Simplify RegExp with this AI-powered regular expression utility. No more frustration, no more confusion - just the perfect expression generated for any use case.
Let's be real: RegExp is hard... I find myself constantly reviewing documentation – and straining to come up with even the simplest matchers. Recently, I was looking for a way to quickly match any TailwindCSS default color style in order to replace it with the Radix color pallete via windy-radix-palette (I love the idea of "automatic" dark mode).
This project seeks to solve that issue by giving you RegExp superpowers with the help of GPT-4. This is also one of my first times implementing an OpenAI tool into a project, so I wanted to start with something small yet useful.
- 🪄 Generate RegExp for any code snippet given a description – Code Description → RegExp
- 🪄 Find and replace anything for any code snippet given a description – Code Description → Find & Replace (
- 🪄 Find and replace anything (with the RegExp used) for any code snippet given a description – Code Description → Find & Replace RegExp
- 🪄 Get the natural language description given a RegExp – RegExp → Descrption in Natural Language
- T3 Stack
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- tRPC – Typesafe API
- Prisma – Typesafe ORM
- TailwindCSS – CSS Framework
- TailwindUI – Tailwind Components / Templates
- Planetscale – MySQL Database
- Vercel – Deployment Platform
- Lucide – Icons