A toolkit for experimenting with the volumetric Accelerator format.It contains a set of parsers to convert from LAZ/LAS, PLY, KITTI, PCD, STL and ASCII 3d models to vola. It also contains areader (volareader.py) that allows the structure to be queried and output as images or voxel maps. There is also a viewer (volaviewer.py) that allows individual or multiple volumes to be viewed.
Obtaining the required packages from apt or pip is the only installation necessary. After that point, simply cloning the api will have completed the installation.
There are some packages that must be installed to leverage all of the functionality included.
sudo apt install python3.5 libatlas-base-dev
sudo pip3 install liblas laspy numpy numpy-stl pyproj vtk sphinxcontrib-programoutput plyfile
There are a variety of formats from which you can convert into vola. Currently supported are:
laz (if compiling liblas manually with laszip)
npy array
To convert any of these formats, a generic command may be used:
python3.5 *2vola.py vola_depth
Where * replaces any supported format, e.g. las2vola.py Additionally, there are several extra arguments:
--crs [code] (the epsg coordinate system of the input)
--nbits, -n (tell the parser to use 1 nbits per voxel to automatically
add provided info to vola format, e.g. colour information)
--dense, -d (to output a dense point cloud)
After converting, you should be left with a relatively small .vol file. This may be examined in several different ways. volareader.py will output various information depending on the arguments given.
python3.5 volareader.py vola_file.vol
--voxels, -v (outputs the voxel positions within the VOLA bounds)
--coordinates, -c (outputs the coordinates of the voxels within given coordinate system)
--get, -g [x] [y] [z] (checks if voxel exists at given location and returns value if it does.)
--bincoords, -b (outputs binary coordinates of the voxels provided)
--images, -i (outputs the image planes for each depth as .pgm files)
--map, -m [height] (outputs flattened map for given height as .pgm)
--numpy, -n (outputs the occupancy grid to a numpy array)
Using the vtk module, we can visualise the vola file
python3.5 volaviewer.py vola_file.vol
The argument '-ply' may also be added to output the vola representation to a .ply.
To generate more detailed documentation per file please go to the doc folder and run: make html or make pdflatex