The Best Practice Guide to Android Architecture course by Philipp Lackner
- Koin
- Ktor
- Adaptive Navigation
- Canvas API
- MVI Architecture
- Flow
Here are the key takeaways from my experience:
-Implementing top-tier clean architecture practices has ensured that my Android applications remain both scalable and easy to maintain.
-Gaining expertise in the MVI (Model-View-Intent) pattern has provided a transparent and reliable method for managing the app"s state.
-UI State Management: Efficiently managing UI states in Jetpack Compose for a smooth user experience.
-Leveraging Ktor for network operations and executing API requests with robust error handling techniques.
-Utilizing Koin for dependency injection has made the application more modular and simplified the testing process.
-Delving into adaptive navigation has greatly enhanced the app’s flexibility and overall user experience.
-Creating the line chart involved an extensive exploration of mathematical concepts and calculations. I found great satisfaction in overcoming the challenges of applying Canvas within Jetpack Compose.