- velocity interpolation is now configurable (linear or cubic)
- added function to calculate error residue of linear equations
- multigrid can be used as linear solver
- configurable particle size
- added debug data of linear equations (to be viewed as texture in renderdoc)
- support any size of world (not restricted to power of 2)
- improved level set generation from particles
- improved rendering of level sets
- Added
to rigidbody - Additional checks for texture and buffer copies
- Added compute and graphics pipeline cache
- Buffer not cleared on construction anymore
- Fix PCG exit condition
- Not loading surface for unit-tests
- Clear swapchains on startup
- Fix missing transferDst flag to swapchain images
- Documentation improvements
- vk_mem_alloc upgrade to 2.2.0
- Fix prefix scan compute shader constants
- Using spirv-cross version 2019-03-29
- Prefer discrete gpu when creating device
- Use static version of MoltenVK
- Added
method to WaterWorld - Clear texture on construction only if device local memory
- Fix family queue index selection
- Minimum cmake requirements bumbed to 3.11 (because of FetchContent)
- Fixed high-dpi scaling for example
- Improved cmake install
- Improved dynamic loading of vulkan extension functions
- Improved API of command buffer and render command. All functions return
. - Moved
. - Added buffer resize function.
- Added IndexBuffer.
- Better buffer copy methods.
- Fix buffer fill.
- Better texture copy methods.
- Added dynamic viewport and scissor to pipelines.
- Added shape interface
- Removed (emulated) properties of Transformable.
- Added clang-format.
- Fixes around dllexport/dllimport on windows.
- Fix layout for swapchain
- Bicubic interpolation
- Add velocity operator: add/set
- Overhauled rigidbody interface
- Correctly enforce sub-steps
- User setting of solver parameters
- Particle bounds fix
- Minor vulkan fixes
- Support for running simulation with multiple sub-steps per steps
- Rename world function "Solve" to "Step"
- Removed scaling functionality
- Fixed Timer class
- Added option to specify specialization constants in shaders
- CMake improvements when including in other projects
- Initialize to Vulkan 1.1 by default (with fallback to 1.0)
- Improve ComputeSize class
- Added strong rigidbody coupling
- Added support for blend constants
- Scaling of velocities when setting them in rigidbodies
- Using mapbox variant class
- Fix rigidbody div calculation
- Fix rigidbody centre calculation
- Fix broken particle unit-test from glm update
- Fix documentation on glsl compiler
- Faster linear solver
- Added calculation for the CFL number
- Updated glm version to
- Fixed initialization of glm variables
- Improved push constant API for compute shader
- Improved Conjugate Gradient exit condition
- macOS and iOS support via MoltenVK
- compiling shaders with glslangValidator instead of glslc
- improved signed distance field computation from polygons
- added Wait() function to RenderCommand
- correct synchronisation for present queue
- improved cmake configuration
- first release