Custom topologies written for mininet emulator In this repository you can find out different topologies written for mininet network emulator. Each python script refers a network topology in which some hosts or controllers manages some services, such as ospfd,bgpd etc.
2 hosts are connected through 2 routers... Look at source code...
Three areas, five routers and one switch...
Each router runs quagga/ospfd service to advertise and share routing tables with their neighbor that makes every node reachable. Check Wiki
Two autonomous system, five routers... AS 5500 runs iBGP between r1 and r4 while r4-r5 pair share routes through eBGP. Check Wiki
To exercise both OSPF, iBGP and eBGP in Mininet the following topology will be implemented. Topology elements:
- 6 AS Border Routers, running BGP route
- 8 Area Border Routers, runing OSPF (in their areas)
- 8 Switches, will be connected to some hosts
To be able to run routing suite, do not forget to extract configuration files from tar archive: 'Custom Topologies/quaggacfgs/coreNet_confs.tar'