IMFData is an R package to access IMF (Internation Monetary Fund) data . It has three main goals:
- Find out available datasets in the API.
- Find out the dataset datastructure and code to use to make a query.
- Query through the API.
Right now, you can install
from CRAN with
the latest development version from github with
If you don't know anything about IMF data API, the following four steps is a good way to start.
Find out available dataset in IMF data.
availableDB <- DataflowMethod()
#> [1] "FSIRE" "FAS" "IFS" "MCDREO"
#> [5] "FSIBS" "FSI" "DOT" "FSIREM"
#> [9] "CDIS" "GFS01M" "GFS01" "BOP"
#> [13] "BOPAGG" "CPIS" "APDREO" "FM"
#> [17] "AFRREO" "MCDREO201410" "FM201410" "AFRREO201410"
#> [21] "MCDREO201501" "APDREO201410" "COMMP" "COMMPP"
#> [33] "PGI" "WHDREO201504" "WCED" "WHDREO"
#> [37] "FM201504" "APDREO201504" "MCDREO201505" "AFRREO201504"
#> [45] "CPI" "IRFCL" "COFER" "FM201510"
#> [49] "RAFIT2AGG" "MCDREO201510" "WHDREO201510" "APDREO201510"
#> [53] "AFRREO201510" "GFSYR2014" "GFSYSSUC2014" "GFSYCOFOG2014"
#> [57] "GFSYIBS2014" "GFSYMAB2014" "GFSYFALCS2014" "GFSYE2014"
#> [61] "GFSIBS2015" "GFSR2015" "GFSFALCS2015" "GFSSSUC2015"
#> [65] "GFSMAB2015" "GFSCOFOG2015" "GFSE2015" "BOPSDMXUSD"
#> [1] "Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI), Reporting Entities"
#> [2] "Financial Access Survey (FAS)"
#> [3] "International Financial Statistics (IFS)"
#> [4] "Middle East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook (MCDREO)"
#> [5] "Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI), Balance Sheets"
#> [6] "Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI)"
#> [7] "Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)"
#> [8] "Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI), Reporting Entities - Multidimensional"
#> [9] "Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)"
#> [10] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS 2001) - Multidimensional"
#> [11] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS 2001)"
#> [12] "Balance of Payments (BOP)"
#> [13] "Balance of Payments (BOP), World and Regional Aggregates"
#> [14] "Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)"
#> [15] "Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook (APDREO)"
#> [16] "Fiscal Monitor (FM)"
#> [17] "Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook (AFRREO)"
#> [18] "MCD Regional Economic Outlook October 2014"
#> [19] "Fiscal Monitor (FM) October 2014"
#> [20] "Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook (AFRREO) October 2014"
#> [21] "MCD Regional Economic Outlook January 2015"
#> [22] "Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook (APDREO) October 2014"
#> [23] "Primary Commodity Prices"
#> [24] "Primary Commodity Prices Projections"
#> [25] "World Revenue Longitudinal Data (WoRLD)"
#> [26] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Revenue"
#> [27] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash"
#> [28] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)"
#> [29] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Financial Assets and Liabilities by Counterpart Sector"
#> [30] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Integrated Balance Sheet (Stock Positions and Flows in Assets and Liabilities)"
#> [31] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Main Aggregates and Balances"
#> [32] "Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Expense"
#> [33] "Principal Global Indicators (PGI)"
#> [34] "Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Outlook (WHDREO) April 2015"
#> [35] "World Commodity Exporters (WCED)"
#> [36] "Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Outlook (WHDREO)"
#> [37] "Fiscal Monitor (FM) April 2015"
#> [38] "Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook (APDREO) April 2015"
#> [39] "MCD Regional Economic Outlook May 2015"
#> [40] "Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook (AFRREO) April 2015"
#> [41] "Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) - Archive"
#> [42] "Investment and Capital Stock (ICSD)"
#> [43] "Historical Public Debt (HPDD)"
#> [44] "Coverage of Fiscal Reporting (COFR)"
#> [45] "Consumer Price Index (CPI)"
#> [46] "International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL)"
#> [47] "Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)"
#> [48] "Fiscal Monitor (FM) October 2015"
#> [49] "RA-FIT Round 2 Aggregates"
#> [50] "MCD Regional Economic Outlook (MCDREO) October 2015"
#> [51] "Western Hemisphere Regional Economic Outlook (WHDREO) October 2015"
#> [52] "Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook (APDREO) October 2015"
#> [53] "Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook (AFRREO) October 2015"
#> [54] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Revenue"
#> [55] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash"
#> [56] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)"
#> [57] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Integrated Balance Sheet (Stock Positions and Flows in Assets and Liabilities)"
#> [58] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Main Aggregates and Balances"
#> [59] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Financial Assets and Liabilities by Counterpart Sector"
#> [60] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2014), Expense"
#> [61] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Integrated Balance Sheet (Stock Positions and Flows in Assets and Liabilities)"
#> [62] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Revenue"
#> [63] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Financial Assets and Liabilities by Counterpart Sector"
#> [64] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash"
#> [65] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Main Aggregates and Balances"
#> [66] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)"
#> [67] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Expense"
#> [68] "Balance of Payments (BOP), Global SDMX (US Dollars)"
Findout how many dimensions are available in a given dataset. Here, we use IFS(International Financial Statistics) for example,
# Get dimension code of IFS dataset <- DataStructureMethod("IFS")
# Available dimension code
# Possible code in the first dimension[[1]]
#> CodeValue CodeText
#> 1 A Annual
#> 2 B Bi-annual
#> 3 Q Quarterly
#> 4 M Monthly
#> 5 D Daily
#> 6 W Weekly
Search possible code to use in each dimension. Here, we want to search code related to GDP in CL_INDICATOR_IFS dimension,
# Search code contains GDP
CodeSearch(, "CL_INDICATOR_IFS", "GDP")
#> CodeValue
#> 1464 GGXWDG_G01_GDP_PT
#> 1468 GGX_G01_GDP_PT
#> 1486 GGR_G01_GDP_PT
#> 1567 NGDP_F_XDC
#> 1568 NGDP_D_IX
#> 1569 NGDP_D_PC_CP_A_PT
#> 1570 NGDP_D_SA_IX
#> 1571 NGDP_AR_XDC
#> 1572 NGDP_EUR
#> 1573 NGDP_XDC
#> 1574 NGDP_SA_AR_XDC
#> 1575 NGDP_SA_EUR
#> 1576 NGDP_SA_XDC
#> 1577 NGDP_USD
#> 1578 NGDP_R_AR_XDC
#> 1579 NGDP_R_EUR
#> 1580 NGDP_R_F_XDC
#> 1581 NGDP_R_IX
#> 1582 NGDP_R_XDC
#> 1583 NGDP_R_PT
#> 1585 NGDP_R_SA_AR_XDC
#> 1586 NGDP_R_SA_EUR
#> 1587 NGDP_R_SA_IX
#> 1588 NGDP_R_SA_XDC
#> 2606 NSDGDP_EUR
#> 2607 NSDGDP_XDC
#> 2609 NSDGDP_USD
#> 2671 All_Indicators_Excluding_NGDP_Indicators
#> CodeText
#> 1464 General Government, Gross debt position, 2001 Manual, Percent of GDP, Percent
#> 1468 General Government, Memo Item: Expenditure, 2001 Manual, Percent of GDP, Percent
#> 1486 General Government, Revenue, 2001 Manual, Percent of GDP, Percent
#> 1567 Gross Domestic Product, at Factor Cost, National Currency
#> 1568 Gross Domestic Product, Deflator, Index
#> 1569 Gross Domestic Product, Deflator, Percentage change, corresponding period previous year, Percent
#> 1570 Gross Domestic Product, Deflator, Seasonally adjusted, Index
#> 1571 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1572 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Euro
#> 1573 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, National Currency
#> 1574 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally adjusted, annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1575 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, Euros
#> 1576 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, Seasonally Adjusted, National Currency
#> 1577 Gross Domestic Product, Nominal, US Dollars
#> 1578 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1579 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Euros
#> 1580 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Factor Cost, National Currency
#> 1581 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Index
#> 1582 Gross Domestic Product, Real, National Currency
#> 1583 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Percent
#> 1584 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Reference chained, seasonally adjusted, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1585 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally adjusted, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1586 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, Euros
#> 1587 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally adjusted, Index
#> 1588 Gross Domestic Product, Real, Seasonally Adjusted, National Currency
#> 1597 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1598 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, Euros
#> 1599 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, National Currency
#> 1600 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, Seasonally adjusted, annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 1601 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, Seasonally adjusted, Euro
#> 1602 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, Seasonally Adjusted, National Currency
#> 1603 Income Receipts from Rest of the World less Income Payments to the Rest of the World, US Dollars
#> 2606 Statistical Discrepancy in GDP, Nominal, Euros
#> 2607 Statistical Discrepancy in GDP, Nominal, National Currency
#> 2608 Statistical Discrepancy in GDP, Nominal, Seasonally adjusted, Annualized Rate, National Currency
#> 2609 Statistical Discrepancy in GDP, Nominal, US Dollars
#> 2671 All Indicators Excluding NGDP Indicators
databaseID <- "IFS"
startdate = "2001-01-01"
enddate = "2016-12-31"
checkquery = FALSE
## Germany, Norminal GDP in Euros, Norminal GDP in National Currency
queryfilter <- list(CL_FREA = "", CL_AREA_IFS = "GR", CL_INDICATOR_IFS = c("NGDP_EUR",
GR.NGDP.query <- CompactDataMethod(databaseID, queryfilter, startdate, enddate,
GR.NGDP.query[, 1:5]
#> 2 Q GR NGDP_EUR 9 P3M
#> 4 A GR NGDP_EUR 9 P1Y
#> 1 2001-Q1 35.2366 K
#> 2 2001-Q2 36.7264 <NA>
#> 3 2001-Q3 39.8428 <NA>
#> 4 2001-Q4 40.3881 <NA>
#> 5 2002-Q1 37.4971 <NA>
#> 6 2002-Q2 39.8739 <NA>
#> 7 2002-Q3 42.3377 <NA>
#> 8 2002-Q4 43.752 <NA>
#> 9 2003-Q1 40.8806 <NA>
#> 10 2003-Q2 43.4188 <NA>
#> 11 2003-Q3 46.6817 <NA>
#> 12 2003-Q4 47.9238 <NA>
#> 13 2004-Q1 44.8781 <NA>
#> 14 2004-Q2 47.604999892938 <NA>
#> 15 2004-Q3 50.8154 <NA>
#> 16 2004-Q4 50.4173 <NA>
#> 17 2005-Q1 45.727 <NA>
#> 18 2005-Q2 49.1768012641032 <NA>
#> 19 2005-Q3 51.7502 <NA>
#> 20 2005-Q4 52.5883 <NA>
#> 21 2006-Q1 50.0931 <NA>
#> 22 2006-Q2 53.9923 <NA>
#> 23 2006-Q3 55.9232 <NA>
#> 24 2006-Q4 57.8529 <NA>
#> 25 2007-Q1 52.8308 <NA>
#> 26 2007-Q2 58.359 <NA>
#> 27 2007-Q3 59.929 <NA>
#> 28 2007-Q4 61.5758 <NA>
#> 29 2008-Q1 55.8782 <NA>
#> 30 2008-Q2 60.746 <NA>
#> 31 2008-Q3 63.0783 <NA>
#> 32 2008-Q4 62.2879 <NA>
#> 33 2009-Q1 53.3813 <NA>
#> 34 2009-Q2 60.2148 <NA>
#> 35 2009-Q3 61.2555 <NA>
#> 36 2009-Q4 62.6826 <NA>
#> 37 2010-Q1 54.2695 <NA>
#> 38 2010-Q2 57.379 <NA>
#> 39 2010-Q3 57.6284 <NA>
#> 40 2010-Q4 56.7546 <NA>
#> 41 2011-Q1 48.8302 <NA>
#> 42 2011-Q2 53.0734 <NA>
#> 43 2011-Q3 53.7756 <NA>
#> 44 2011-Q4 51.3496 <NA>
#> 45 2012-Q1 45.0995 <NA>
#> 46 2012-Q2 48.4733 <NA>
#> 47 2012-Q3 49.7557 <NA>
#> 48 2012-Q4 47.8755 <NA>
#> 49 2013-Q1 42.1708 <NA>
#> 50 2013-Q2 45.8799 <NA>
#> 51 2013-Q3 47.5605 <NA>
#> 52 2013-Q4 44.7779 <NA>
#> 53 2014-Q1 40.4676 <NA>
#> 54 2014-Q2 44.3952 <NA>
#> 55 2014-Q3 48.0023 <NA>
#> 56 2014-Q4 44.6942 <NA>
#> 57 2015-Q1 40.4384 <NA>
#> 58 2015-Q2 44.6036 <NA>
#> 59 2015-Q3 46.7534 <NA>
#> 60 2015-Q4 44.2277 <NA>
#> 61 2016-Q1 39.9625 <NA>
#> 62 2016-Q2 45.1606 <NA>
#> 1 2001 151.9872 K
#> 2 2002 162.2742 <NA>
#> 3 2003 178.5709 <NA>
#> 4 2004 193.715823551657 <NA>
#> 5 2005 199.242311837475 <NA>
#> 6 2006 217.861568188497 <NA>
#> 7 2007 232.694592661749 <NA>
#> 8 2008 241.990389906673 <NA>
#> 9 2009 237.534181456484 <NA>
#> 10 2010 226.031447205434 <NA>
#> 11 2011 207.028875339588 <NA>
#> 12 2012 191.203907934554 <NA>
#> 13 2013 180.389043118584 <NA>
#> 14 2014 177.58632109271 <NA>
#> 15 2015 176.022666208548 <NA>
## Quarterly, US, NGDP_SA_AR_XDC
queryfilter <- list(CL_FREA = "Q", CL_AREA_IFS = "US", CL_INDICATOR_IFS = "NGDP_SA_AR_XDC")
Q.US.NGDP.query <- CompactDataMethod(databaseID, queryfilter, startdate, enddate,
Q.US.NGDP.query[, 1:5]
#> 1 2001-Q1 10508.1
#> 2 2001-Q2 10638.4
#> 3 2001-Q3 10639.5
#> 4 2001-Q4 10701.3
#> 5 2002-Q1 10834.4
#> 6 2002-Q2 10934.8
#> 7 2002-Q3 11037.1
#> 8 2002-Q4 11103.8
#> 9 2003-Q1 11230.1
#> 10 2003-Q2 11370.7
#> 11 2003-Q3 11625.1
#> 12 2003-Q4 11816.8
#> 13 2004-Q1 11988.4
#> 14 2004-Q2 12181.4
#> 15 2004-Q3 12367.7
#> 16 2004-Q4 12562.2
#> 17 2005-Q1 12813.7
#> 18 2005-Q2 12974.1
#> 19 2005-Q3 13205.4
#> 20 2005-Q4 13381.6
#> 21 2006-Q1 13648.9
#> 22 2006-Q2 13799.8
#> 23 2006-Q3 13908.5
#> 24 2006-Q4 14066.4
#> 25 2007-Q1 14233.2
#> 26 2007-Q2 14422.3
#> 27 2007-Q3 14569.7
#> 28 2007-Q4 14685.3
#> 29 2008-Q1 14668.4
#> 30 2008-Q2 14813
#> 31 2008-Q3 14843
#> 32 2008-Q4 14549.9
#> 33 2009-Q1 14383.9
#> 34 2009-Q2 14340.4
#> 35 2009-Q3 14384.1
#> 36 2009-Q4 14566.5
#> 37 2010-Q1 14681.1
#> 38 2010-Q2 14888.6
#> 39 2010-Q3 15057.7
#> 40 2010-Q4 15230.2
#> 41 2011-Q1 15238.4
#> 42 2011-Q2 15460.9
#> 43 2011-Q3 15587.1
#> 44 2011-Q4 15785.3
#> 45 2012-Q1 15973.9
#> 46 2012-Q2 16121.9
#> 47 2012-Q3 16227.9
#> 48 2012-Q4 16297.3
#> 49 2013-Q1 16475.4
#> 50 2013-Q2 16541.4
#> 51 2013-Q3 16749.3
#> 52 2013-Q4 16999.9
#> 53 2014-Q1 17025.2
#> 54 2014-Q2 17285.6
#> 55 2014-Q3 17569.4
#> 56 2014-Q4 17692.2
#> 57 2015-Q1 17783.6
#> 58 2015-Q2 17998.3
#> 59 2015-Q3 18141.9
#> 60 2015-Q4 18222.8
#> 61 2016-Q1 18281.6
#> 62 2016-Q2 18437.6
## See exact API call to the data source
CompactDataMethod(databaseID, queryfilter, startdate, enddate, checkquery, verbose = TRUE)$Obs[[1]]
#> making API call:
#> 1 2001-Q1 10508.1
#> 2 2001-Q2 10638.4
#> 3 2001-Q3 10639.5
#> 4 2001-Q4 10701.3
#> 5 2002-Q1 10834.4
#> 6 2002-Q2 10934.8
#> 7 2002-Q3 11037.1
#> 8 2002-Q4 11103.8
#> 9 2003-Q1 11230.1
#> 10 2003-Q2 11370.7
#> 11 2003-Q3 11625.1
#> 12 2003-Q4 11816.8
#> 13 2004-Q1 11988.4
#> 14 2004-Q2 12181.4
#> 15 2004-Q3 12367.7
#> 16 2004-Q4 12562.2
#> 17 2005-Q1 12813.7
#> 18 2005-Q2 12974.1
#> 19 2005-Q3 13205.4
#> 20 2005-Q4 13381.6
#> 21 2006-Q1 13648.9
#> 22 2006-Q2 13799.8
#> 23 2006-Q3 13908.5
#> 24 2006-Q4 14066.4
#> 25 2007-Q1 14233.2
#> 26 2007-Q2 14422.3
#> 27 2007-Q3 14569.7
#> 28 2007-Q4 14685.3
#> 29 2008-Q1 14668.4
#> 30 2008-Q2 14813
#> 31 2008-Q3 14843
#> 32 2008-Q4 14549.9
#> 33 2009-Q1 14383.9
#> 34 2009-Q2 14340.4
#> 35 2009-Q3 14384.1
#> 36 2009-Q4 14566.5
#> 37 2010-Q1 14681.1
#> 38 2010-Q2 14888.6
#> 39 2010-Q3 15057.7
#> 40 2010-Q4 15230.2
#> 41 2011-Q1 15238.4
#> 42 2011-Q2 15460.9
#> 43 2011-Q3 15587.1
#> 44 2011-Q4 15785.3
#> 45 2012-Q1 15973.9
#> 46 2012-Q2 16121.9
#> 47 2012-Q3 16227.9
#> 48 2012-Q4 16297.3
#> 49 2013-Q1 16475.4
#> 50 2013-Q2 16541.4
#> 51 2013-Q3 16749.3
#> 52 2013-Q4 16999.9
#> 53 2014-Q1 17025.2
#> 54 2014-Q2 17285.6
#> 55 2014-Q3 17569.4
#> 56 2014-Q4 17692.2
#> 57 2015-Q1 17783.6
#> 58 2015-Q2 17998.3
#> 59 2015-Q3 18141.9
#> 60 2015-Q4 18222.8
#> 61 2016-Q1 18281.6
#> 62 2016-Q2 18437.6
## Return a simple data frame
head(CompactDataMethod(databaseID, queryfilter, startdate, enddate, checkquery,
tidy = TRUE))
#> 1 2001-Q1 10508.1 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 2 2001-Q2 10638.4 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 3 2001-Q3 10639.5 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 4 2001-Q4 10701.3 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 5 2002-Q1 10834.4 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 6 2002-Q2 10934.8 Q US NGDP_SA_AR_XDC 9
#> 1 P3M
#> 2 P3M
#> 3 P3M
#> 4 P3M
#> 5 P3M
#> 6 P3M