This workflow is developed by Brian Foster at JGI and original from his repo. It take paired-end reads runs error correction by bbcms (BBTools). The clean reads are assembled by MetaSpades. After assembly, the reads are mapped back to contigs by bbmap (BBTools) for coverage information.
Description of the files:
file: the WDL file for workflow definition.json
file: the example input for the workflow.conf
file: the conf file for running
file: the shell script for running the example workflow
fastq (illumina paired-end interleaved fastq)
contig prefix for fasta header
output path
input_interleaved (boolean)
forwards reads fastq file (required value when input_interleaved is false, otherwise use [] )
reverse reads fastq file (required value when input_interleaved is false, otherwise use [] )
memory (optional) ex: "jgi_metaASM.memory": "105G"
threads (optional) ex: "jgi_metaASM.threads": "16"
"jgi_metaASM.memory": "105G",
"jgi_metaASM.threads": "16"
Below is a part list of all output files. The main assembly contigs output is in final_assembly/assembly.contigs.fasta.
├── bbcms
│ ├── berkeleylab-jgi-meta-60ade422cd4e
│ ├── counts.metadata.json
│ ├── input.corr.fastq.gz
│ ├── input.corr.left.fastq.gz
│ ├── input.corr.right.fastq.gz
│ ├── readlen.txt
│ └── unique31mer.txt
├── final_assembly
│ ├── assembly.agp
│ ├── assembly_contigs.fna
│ ├── assembly_scaffolds.fna
│ └── assembly_scaffolds.legend
├── mapping
│ ├── covstats.txt (mapping_stats.txt)
│ ├── pairedMapped.bam
│ ├── pairedMapped.sam.gz
│ ├── pairedMapped_sorted.bam
│ └── pairedMapped_sorted.bam.bai
└── spades3
├── assembly_graph.fastg
├── assembly_graph_with_scaffolds.gfa
├── contigs.fasta
├── contigs.paths
├── scaffolds.fasta
└── scaffolds.paths