Rust SDK wrapper for the Mystic Light SDK
- Any MSI device with RGB support
- Only Windows 7
- Dragon Center or Msi Center installed and running. You can download it here
- Admin rights to run program with the
use mystic_light_sdk::{Color, CommonError, DeviceLedState, MysticLightSDK};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
const LIB_PATH: &str = if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") {
} else {
fn main() -> Result<(), CommonError> {
let sdk = MysticLightSDK::new(LIB_PATH)?;
let devices = sdk.get_devices()?;
println!("{:#?}", devices);
let mut keyboard_leds = devices[2].leds()?;
println!("{:#?}", keyboard_leds);
let state = keyboard_leds[0].get_state()?.to_owned();
println!("Current device state: {:#?}", state);
println!("Disable lightning!");
let new_state = DeviceLedState {
color: Color {
red: 0,
green: 0,
blue: 0,
style: String::from("NoAnimation"),
println!("Enable lightning");
It depends on the os architecture you are building the program to and the os architecture for the end users.
Currently, most of the PC's are 64 bit architecture so you may just use MysticLight_SDK_x64.dll
Or if you are targetting both architecture you may use code below
const LIB_PATH: &str = if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") {
"sdk/MysticLight_SDK_x64.dll" // path to the dll file that must be available in runtime
} else {
As sdk dll is required in runtime you must provide these files somehow in the runtime.
You may use build script below in order to copy sdk files to the output dir. In this case dll files must reside in the <path-to-your-project>/sdk
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let current_dir = env::current_dir()?;
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let from_path = current_dir.join("sdk");
let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir)
if !dest_path.exists() {
copy_dir::copy_dir(from_path, dest_path)?;
- in case of any problems with conversion from and into WinApi types
Enables serde serialization/deserialization for some of the sdk structs
Make sure you have been fulfilled requirements and you running the result program with the admin rights
Some of the device's styles do not support colors. In this case this kind of error will be generated.
License: Apache-2.0