PolHTC is a package for the analysis of nontensorial continuous gravitational waves (CWs) from known galactic pulsars. The targeted signals are nonstandard in that the are allowed to carry polarization content beyond what is allowed in Einstein's general relativity (GR), including vector and tensor modes in addition to the tensor modes predicted by GR.
The name polHTC refers to the fact the code provides utilities to set up distributed workflows in high-throughput computing (HTC) clusters using HTCondor.
This code was used in the publication Detecting Beyond-Einstein Polarizations of Continuous Gravitational Waves by M. Isi et al (2015) [arXiv:1502.00333]. Data and code used in that publication are available through Zenodo at this URL.
The code takes as input LIGO-Virgo data preheterodyned by the code described in Pitkin et al [arXiv:1705.08978].
If you find this code useful, please also cite the following paper:
author = "Isi, Maximiliano and Weinstein, Alan J. and Mead, Carver and Pitkin, Matthew",
title = "{Detecting Beyond-Einstein Polarizations of Continuous Gravitational Waves}",
eprint = "1502.00333",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "gr-qc",
reportNumber = "LIGO-P1400169",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.91.082002",
journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
volume = "91",
number = "8",
pages = "082002",
year = "2015"