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Frontend Mentor - Job listings with filtering solution

This is a solution to the Job listings with filtering challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Filter job listings based on the categories


My process

The development process that I used in this project, in short was:

  • Create the components Job, Filter, Button
  • Get the data from the JSON file
  • Define the HTML elements
  • Define the style of variables, typography and create mixins
  • Define the style of the components
  • Create a customized hook using context to store the filters
  • Implement button functions, add, remove, clear
  • Adjust the layout for desktop
  • Create animations

My focus on this project was learning more about some React and JS features, so I will skip CSS and HTML details. I decided to divide my project into three components:

  • Job, displays all the information about the jobs according the filter.
  • Filter, display all filters being used.
  • Button, generate a button according to the paramaters and implement the operations to add/remove and clear the filters.

My main ideia was creating a filter list that can comunicate with other components without using parameters/props, I already knew about the React states but I didn't know how to create a global state, after some search I found the Context API that allows to share global data. It was needed to create a provider for the filter, that includes the context and the state.

The first attempt to create the addFilter() and removeFilter() was using the data without any manipulation, I tried to implement it using Object.keys() but when a value has an array the filters didn't work as intended, I've lost too many time trying to figured out how to do this, in the end I just gave up and thought in another solution.

In the second attempt I took the easiest way, after loading the job object from file I used the method Object.assing() and create a new property(array) called "filters" containing the "role", "level", "languages" and "tools" on it, then I just needed to check if the job.filters has all the filters stored on the state.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React Context API and Hooks
  • React - JS library
  • SCSS - For styles

What I learned

  • The basics of Context API, Providers and Hooks
  • Object.assign method
  • Every and some methods

Continued development

I need to study and use more modern Javascript, sometimes I get myself writing a lot of code using vanilla Javascript, when I could solve the same problem using fewer lines of code. Learn more about Hooks and Context. Organize my CSS with more variables and reusable code.

Useful resources




A project to study Context API and responsive design.






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