Command line wallet for Ethereum and ERC20 tokens.
- Clone this repository
- Optionally set virtual environment
- Navigate to the project's root dir and run
pip3 install .
- Run
eth-wallet --help
to see if wallet was installed successfully
eth-wallet --help
Usage: eth-wallet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
add-token Add new ERC20 contract.
get-balance Get address balance.
get-wallet Get wallet account from encrypted keystore.
list-tokens List all added tokens.
network Get connected network (Mainnet, Ropsten) defined in...
new-wallet Creates new wallet and store encrypted keystore file.
restore-wallet Creates new wallet and store encrypted keystore file.
reveal-seed Reveals private key from encrypted keystore.
send-transaction Sends transaction.
Create new wallet:
$ eth-wallet new-wallet
Passphrase from keystore:
Account address: 0xB1f761734F00d1D368Ce6f82F755bBb3005538EB
Account pub key: 0xf94e03524a1bd803ee583a1f0de7eb1eb67a90d6802eeac22b90cfdd7ff491039441472e8db543467c0450d1b7c31b5e8f81616b99226775770f9dd531afd31a
Keystore path: /Users/Joe/.eth-wallet/keystore
Remember these words to restore eth-wallet: omit speak giant bright enable increase tube worth object timber bleak bullet
Show wallet:
$ eth-wallet get-wallet
Account address: 0xB1f761734F00d1D368Ce6f82F755bBb3005538EB
Account pub key: 0xf94e03524a1bd803ee583a1f0de7eb1eb67a90d6802eeac22b90cfdd7ff491039441472e8db543467c0450d1b7c31b5e8f81616b99226775770f9dd531afd31a
Get ETH wallet balance:
$ eth-wallet get-balance
Balance on address 0xB1f761734F00d1D368Ce6f82F755bBb3005538EB is: 1.234ETH
Add new ERC20 contract:
$ eth-wallet add-token
Contract address []: 0x70a68593BAfc497AC4F24Eaf13CF68E74135bA42
Token symbol []: ZRX
New coin was added! ZRX 0x70a68593BAfc497AC4F24Eaf13CF68E74135bA42
Get balance of ERC20 token:
$ eth-wallet get-balance --token ZRX
Balance on address 0xB1f761734F00d1D368Ce6f82F755bBb3005538EB is: 0.0ZRX
Send ether to another wallet
$ eth-wallet send-transaction
To address: []: 0xAAD533eb7Fe7F2657960AC7703F87E10c73ae73b
Value to send: []: 0.01
Password from keystore:
transaction: {'to': '0xAAD533eb7Fe7F2657960AC7703F87E10c73ae73b', 'value': 10000000000000000, 'gas': 21000, 'gasPrice': 20000000000, 'nonce': 0, 'chainId': 3}
Transaction mined!
Hash of the transaction: 0x193919d1ad2dc024349ccc035a15a697987bd33e1ff04e33f878e6f89f2ebbdf
Transaction cost was: 0.00042ETH
Send ERC20 contract tokens to another wallet
$ eth-wallet send-transaction --token FIT
To address: []: 0xAAD533eb7Fe7F2657960AC7703F87E10c73ae73b
Value to send: []: 0.9
Password from keystore:
transaction: {'to': '0x19896cB57Bc5B4cb92dbC7D389DBa6290AF505Ce', 'value': 0, 'gas': 36536, 'gasPrice': 20000000000, 'nonce': 2, 'chainId': 3, 'data': '0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000aad533eb7fe7f2657960ac7703f87e10c73ae73b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c7d713b49da0000'}
Transaction mined!
Hash of the transaction: 0x118556d192c2efb13ade6ccc2f18a631e14256972af9f7ec8a67067aaafc978c
Transaction cost was: 0.00073072ETH
Show connected network:
$ eth-wallet network
You are connected to the Ropsten network!
List all added tokens:
$ eth-wallet list-tokens
Restore wallet:
$ eth-wallet restore-wallet
Mnemonic sentence []: omit speak giant bright enable increase tube worth object timber bleak bullet
Account address: 0xB1f761734F00d1D368Ce6f82F755bBb3005538EB
Account pub key: 0xf94e03524a1bd803ee583a1f0de7eb1eb67a90d6802eeac22b90cfdd7ff491039441472e8db543467c0450d1b7c31b5e8f81616b99226775770f9dd531afd31a
Keystore path: /Users/Joe/.eth-wallet/keystore
Remember these words to restore eth-wallet: omit speak giant bright enable increase tube worth object timber bleak bullet
Mnemonic sentence isn't fully compatible with BIP32 and BIP39 wallets. Therefore, only this implementation can reproduce mnemonic sentence and recreate seed!
Reveal wallet master private key:
$ eth-wallet reveal-seed
Password from keystore:
Account prv key: 0x843844a23e3ae7b6a695a346c981484b554ff1718299b0b42df3045f04b94f05
For the testing purpose, an additionally GUI is available.
However, it is not recommended to use since GUI doesn't provide full functionality.
Run eth_wallet/ui/
to launch the GUI application.