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This repository includes autonomous landing on moving platform for Bebop 2, using Parrot Sphinx software and bebop_autonomy driver.

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DRL Landing for Bebop 2 under Parrot Sphinx Software

This is the repository for making autonomous landing on moving platform based on picture from Bebop 2 RGB camera. I used drl-landing package and implemented it under Parrot Sphinx software and bebop_autonomy driver. I also implemented avoiding collision betweeen two drones, where first is the leader and second (avoiding drone) is the follower.

Some results of simulation and real test

In Gazebo simulator it looks like this:

Simulation test

Real test was made with static platform:

Real test

And there are videos from simulation and real test:

Simulation test Real test

What you should have if you would like to use it:

  • install ROS (I was working under ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) - ROS Kinetic Installation. It is possible to run it under ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04, but you do it at your own risk.
  • install Gazebo (Probably it is install automatically with ROS but check it out)
  • install Parrot Sphinx software - Parrot Sphinx install
  • install teleop_twist_keyboard - for test purpose, I write keboard control for lider and follower drone, which include also camera control. You don't have to install it, if you don't wanna use it.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-control-toolbox ros-kinetic-control-msgs

What this repository includes and what modifies you have to make to run the project:

This repository includes:

  • bebop_autonomy_modification - is the folder, which includes modifications with bebop_autonomy driver. I added two launch files: for leader and follower. You have to paste them to ../your_workspace/src/bebop_autonomy/bebop_driver/launch.
  • drone_files - this folder includes leader and follower *.drone files, which Parrot Sphinx use to launch the drone in simulation. You have to paste them to /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones. If you would like to launch two drones in one simulation, you have to download elder version of firmware. You can get it from Firmware version. Download Bebop 2 - 4.4.2 and in both files change the firmware path to your own. If you are going to run only one drone, copy firmware path from bebop2.drone file.
  • Plugins includes plugins to move platform in many ways. Paste them anywhere.
  • Gazebo_3Dmodels includes 3D models of platform and room from AeroLab on Poznan University of Technology. Paste them to ~/.gazebo/models.
  • Worlds - includes two Gazebo worlds: one empty world with platform and second room_world also with platform. You can paste them to /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/worlds.
  • drl-landing_modified includes modified version of drl-landing. You have to paste content of Environment folder to ../your_workspace/src/drl-landing/code-rl-environment-gazebo/rl_envs and overwrite existing files. Then
  • bebop_dronemsgsros - paste this folder to ../your_workspace/src
  • bebop_keyboard -also paste to ../your_workspace/src. It includes keboard control to both drones and their camera
  • collision_avoid - paste to ../your_workspace/src. Now you can compile all workspace:
$ cd ../your_workspace
$ catkin build

How to run it?

First run Parrot Sphinx software with one drone and in example world. I choose empty world with platform:

Run firmware:
$ sudo firmwared
Open new terminal or CTRL SHIFT T and go to the folder with saved plugin from [Plugins]:
$ cd ../autolanding_low_speed_plugin
Run Sphinx software with empty world:
$ GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`/build:$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH sphinx --log-level=dbg /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/worlds/ /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/bebop_leader.drone::with_front_cam=true

Wait until drone appeared and run bebop_autonomy driver:

$ cd ~/.../your_workspace
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_leader_node.launch


$ rosrun bebop_dronemsgsros bebop_dronemsgsros
$ roslaunch RlEnvironmentGazeboRos rlEnvironmentGazeboROSLandingWithRPdYdAPE_marker_real.launch
$ roslaunch rl_agent ddpg_agent.launch

If you are going to run keyboard control:

$ cd ../your_workspace
$ rosrun bebop_keyboard bebop_leader_keyboard.launch


This repository includes autonomous landing on moving platform for Bebop 2, using Parrot Sphinx software and bebop_autonomy driver.







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