This is the repository for making autonomous landing on moving platform based on picture from Bebop 2 RGB camera. I used drl-landing package and implemented it under Parrot Sphinx software and bebop_autonomy driver. I also implemented avoiding collision betweeen two drones, where first is the leader and second (avoiding drone) is the follower.
In Gazebo simulator it looks like this:
Real test was made with static platform:
And there are videos from simulation and real test:
- install ROS (I was working under ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) - ROS Kinetic Installation. It is possible to run it under ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04, but you do it at your own risk.
- install Gazebo (Probably it is install automatically with ROS but check it out)
- install Parrot Sphinx software - Parrot Sphinx install
- install teleop_twist_keyboard - for test purpose, I write keboard control for lider and follower drone, which include also camera control. You don't have to install it, if you don't wanna use it.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
- install OpenCV and ArUco using *.sh files from opencv_aruco_install Now you have to make your own catkin workspace create workspace and install:
- bebop_autonomy - bebop_autonomy install
- dronemsgsros - [dronemsgsros repository]
- nav_msgs - nav_msgs install
- control_toolbox and control_msgs:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-control-toolbox ros-kinetic-control-msgs
- gym - gym install
- drl-landing - drl-landing install - install original drl-landing repository, then you will make some modifications with it.
This repository includes:
- bebop_autonomy_modification - is the folder, which includes modifications with bebop_autonomy driver. I added two launch files: for leader and follower. You have to paste them to ../your_workspace/src/bebop_autonomy/bebop_driver/launch.
- drone_files - this folder includes leader and follower *.drone files, which Parrot Sphinx use to launch the drone in simulation. You have to paste them to /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones. If you would like to launch two drones in one simulation, you have to download elder version of firmware. You can get it from Firmware version. Download Bebop 2 - 4.4.2 and in both files change the firmware path to your own. If you are going to run only one drone, copy firmware path from bebop2.drone file.
- Plugins includes plugins to move platform in many ways. Paste them anywhere.
- Gazebo_3Dmodels includes 3D models of platform and room from AeroLab on Poznan University of Technology. Paste them to ~/.gazebo/models.
- Worlds - includes two Gazebo worlds: one empty world with platform and second room_world also with platform. You can paste them to /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/worlds.
- drl-landing_modified includes modified version of drl-landing. You have to paste content of Environment folder to ../your_workspace/src/drl-landing/code-rl-environment-gazebo/rl_envs and overwrite existing files. Then
- bebop_dronemsgsros - paste this folder to ../your_workspace/src
- bebop_keyboard -also paste to ../your_workspace/src. It includes keboard control to both drones and their camera
- collision_avoid - paste to ../your_workspace/src. Now you can compile all workspace:
$ cd ../your_workspace
$ catkin build
First run Parrot Sphinx software with one drone and in example world. I choose empty world with platform:
Run firmware:
$ sudo firmwared
Open new terminal or CTRL SHIFT T and go to the folder with saved plugin from [Plugins]:
$ cd ../autolanding_low_speed_plugin
Run Sphinx software with empty world:
$ GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`/build:$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH sphinx --log-level=dbg /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/worlds/ /opt/parrot-sphinx/usr/share/sphinx/drones/bebop_leader.drone::with_front_cam=true
Wait until drone appeared and run bebop_autonomy driver:
$ cd ~/.../your_workspace
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_leader_node.launch
$ rosrun bebop_dronemsgsros bebop_dronemsgsros
$ roslaunch RlEnvironmentGazeboRos rlEnvironmentGazeboROSLandingWithRPdYdAPE_marker_real.launch
$ roslaunch rl_agent ddpg_agent.launch
If you are going to run keyboard control:
$ cd ../your_workspace
$ rosrun bebop_keyboard bebop_leader_keyboard.launch