Vinchuca is a resilent peer-to-peer botnet agent developed in .NET for educational purposes only. It is released with some missing features and without control panel in order to prevent misuses. However, it includes several interesting features
Have some fun and explore the techniques used by popular botnet like Zeus Game Over.
- Tested with .NET YES
- Tested with Mono NO
- Anti-debugging it includes a couple of techniques to prevent debugging.
- Single Instance only one bot process.
- Sandbox Detection it doesn't run if detects a sondbox
- Socks proxy integrated
- Http proxy integrated
- Https traffic tampering it can sniff http traffic creating a fake on-the-fly certificate.
- Internet connection detector it stops if no internet access
- Peer-to-Peer protocol the best part!!!
- Encrypted protocol communication with Diffie-Hellman key exchange handshake
- Signed protocol messages to verify botmaster sign.
- English-like Domain Generator Algorithm for backup channel
- DDoS
- Http Flood
- Syn Flood
- Udp Flood
- WebInject (no ready but easy thanks to Http/s traffic tampering)
- USB spreading
- Windows Firewall open
- Integrated windows backdoor
Vinchuca is only developed during vacations. Anyway, you are welcome to contribute code. You can send code both as a patch or a GitHub pull request.