- If you make use of this code please cite the following paper
[1] L. E. Brito da Silva and D. C. Wunsch II, "Validity index-based vigilance test in adaptive resonance theory neural networks," 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Honolulu, HI, 2017, pp. 1-8.
and refer to this Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory (ACIL) Github repository as
[2] L. E. Brito da Silva and D. C. Wunsch II, "Validity Index-based Vigilance Test Fuzzy ART," 2017.
Available: https://github.com/ACIL-Group/CVIFA
- The data sets used in the experiments section of the Validity Index-based Vigilance Test Fuzzy ART paper are available at:
- UCI machine learning repository:
- The "main_example.m" file contains an example of usage of the CVI-Fuzzy-ART code.