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Tommy: web assets optimverter

Tommy will process, optimize and convert all your static assets ready to use for the web.

npm version docker version


  • --src specify the source directory (where your assets are located)
  • --dst specify the destination directory (where your assets will be generated)

Optional argumenmts

  • --force regenerate all assets ignoring cache
  • --config specify a JSON file containing an extension to the configuration
  • --webserver will spawn an HTTP webserver that access via POST / a request to run
  • --port is the webserver port (default: 80)
  • --watch will enable a persistent watch over the src directory to detect instant file changes

⚡️️️ Always set --dst option to an empty directory: this directory should only be used by Tommy because files in could be potentially deleted if Tommy is started with a weird configuration or a corrupted database ⚡️

How to: run with Docker

The main advantage of using Tommy is that all dependencies used to process/convert entities are encapsulated into a docker image.

For this reason, you should use the docker run command to use Tommy in the original way it was created.

docker run \
-v "$(pwd)/test/src":/src \
-v "$(pwd)/test/dst":/dst \
-v "$(pwd)/config.json:/root/config.json" \
kopiro/tommy:latest \
--src /src \
--dst /dst \
--config /root/config.json

Explanation of mounts:

  • -v "$(pwd)/test/src":/src mount the source directory (where your assets are located) into container /src
  • -v "$(pwd)/test/dst":/dst mount the destination directory (where your assets will be generated) into container /dst
  • -v "$(pwd)/config.json:/root/config.json" mount your (optional) configuration JSON file into container /root/config.json

How to: run in MacOS

You can also use the native NPM package on OSX.


npm -g i kopiro-tommy


tommy --src ./test/src --dst ./test/dst


By providing a JSON file to --config, you configuration will be extended with the default one.

tommy --config config.json


  "processor.resize": {
    "enabled": false
  "processor.resize": {
    "enabled": true,
    "suffix": "-resized-${i}.${ext}",
    "dimensions": [100, 300],
    "quality": 60
  "ignore": [".dockerignore"]

First-level keys

Key Type Description Default
ignore string[] Pattern to ignore see config.json

Available services


Key Applies to Description
processor.resize * resize the image in differents formats
processor.image * optimize the image
processor.lazyLoadBlurried * generates a very small blurried image that can be used before loading final image in lazy load
converter.webp * converts to WEBP format
tester.image * generates a sample HTML page to test all differents formats
processor.jpg *.jpg optimizes the JPG using jpegoptim
processor.png *.png optimizes the PNG using pngquant
processor.gif *.gif optimizes the GIF using gifsicle
processor.svg *.svg optimizes the SVG using svgo
processor.favicon /favicon.png generates all images/icons needed in various browsers for the favicon


Key Applies to Description
processor.poster * generates a representative poster image from the video to use as picture before loading the video.
processor.videoThumbs * generates N different thumbs from the video
converter.webm * converts to WEBM format
converter.h264_mp4 * converts to H264 using MP4 container
converter.av1_mp4 * converts to AV1 using MP4 container. currently disabled by default because it's very very slow
converter.hevc_mp4 * converts to HEVC using MP4 container * generates a sample HTML page to test all differents formats


Key Applies to Description
converter.ttf * converts to TTF format
converter.otf * converts to OTF format
converter.eot * converts to EOT format
converter.svg * converts to SVG format
converter.woff * converts to WOFF format
converter.woff2 * converts to WOFF2 format
tester.font * generates a sample HTML page to test all differents formats


Key Applies to Description
converter.mp3 * converts to MP3 format

Disabling service

By settings enabled: false in a key, you'll disable that service.

"processor.resize": {
   "enabled": false

Specific configurations for services


Key Type Description Default
dimensions number[] Dimensions of resized images in PX (longest side) [200,400,800,1200]
quality number Quality of images 80
suffix string Suffix to Applies to new files "-resized-${i}.${ext}"


Key Type Description Default
quality number Quality of image 80


Key Type Description Default
count number How many thumbnails extract 5
size number Length of longest side 400
quality number Quality of image 80
suffix string Suffix to Applies to new files "-thumb-\${i}.jpg"


Key Type Description Default
size number Length of longest side 10
suffix string Suffix to Applies to new files "-blurried.jpg"


Key Type Description Default
suffix string Suffix to Applies to new files "-poster.jpg"


Key Type Description Default
webmanifest object JSON object to extend for the site.webmanifest. Set to false to disable generation. see config.json
browserconfig bool Set to false to disable generation of browserconfig.xml true
test bool Set to false to disable HTML test page (favicon.html) true
tileColor string Color of the tile for Windows "#336699"
themeColor string Color of the theme for Chrome Mobile "#336699"


These are the general settings used for video. You can override manually in every section

Key Type Description Default
audioCodec string The coded to use for audio null
crf number The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible. 23
pixelFormat string It uses full resolution for brightness and a smaller resolution for color. "yuv420p"
mapMetadata string Choose to keep/remove metadata "-1"
movFlags string Movie flags to pass to ffmpeg " faststart"
preset string Will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio. "medium"


Key Type Description Default
videoCodec string see general section "libvpx-vp9"


Key Type Description Default
videoCodec string see general section "libx264"


Key Type Description Default
videoCodec string see general section "libaom-av1"
audioCoded string see general section "libopus"
crf number see general section (note: this value is higher due te different scale of this algorithm) 50


Key Type Description Default
videoCodec string The coded to use for video "libx265"

Howto: testing locally

You can use the command npm run test-docker to build the image and test against a test directory.

If you need samples, run npm run download-samples
