This project is an example implementation for training simple feed forward neural network on a MNIST dataset in pure C CUDA code.
NOTE: This project is still under development and was created only for fun and to pass CUDA project on my University. Do not use it for anything except experiments - I cannot guarantee that it will work! :)
Feel free to fork, implement and experiment on your own!
To compile and run this project, all you need is Make and NVCC. Then, simply run:
$> make dataset
$> make build
$> make run
Example output:
NumberOfEpochs: 100
BatchSize: 512
LearningRate: 1.000000e-06
CUDA Configuration
Device name: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Memory Clock Rate (KHz): 4004000
Memory Bus Width (bits): 192
Tensor2DAddBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DSubtractBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DScaleBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockNumber: -1
Tensor2DMeanBlockSize: 8
ReLuBlockSize: 8
CrossEntropyGetMetricBlockSize: 64
CrossEntropyCalculateBlockSize: 64
Epoch 0:
- [Train] Loss=3.25744
- [Train] Accuracy=2.03158%
- [Train] Total Forward Time=137.54800ms
- [Train] Total Backward Time=282.41300ms
- [Train] Batch Forward Time=1.17562ms
- [Train] Batch Backward Time=2.41379ms
- [Test] Loss=nan
- [Test] Accuracy=2.64186%
Epoch 1:
- [Train] Loss=3.19937
- [Train] Accuracy=1.93142%
- [Train] Total Forward Time=117.23500ms
- [Train] Total Backward Time=242.62400ms
- [Train] Batch Forward Time=1.00201ms
- [Train] Batch Backward Time=2.07371ms
- [Test] Loss=nan
- [Test] Accuracy=2.69326%
Epoch 99:
- [Train] Loss=1.51196
- [Train] Accuracy=78.76603%
- [Train] Total Forward Time=118.42700ms
- [Train] Total Backward Time=245.76100ms
- [Train] Batch Forward Time=1.01220ms
- [Train] Batch Backward Time=2.10052ms
- [Test] Loss=nan
- [Test] Accuracy=93.28741%
I've implemented basic object oriented framework with:
- Dense Layers,
- ReLU Layers,
- Binary Cross Entropy Loss Function,
- SGD Optimizer,
- Sequential Model.
Framework API was inspired by PyTorch and TensorFlow with a little bit of Keras, mixed into an implementation that is ready to extend and experiment easily (I hope so...). What's more, all linear algebra and math calculations were implemented by myself - I didn't use cuDNN or cuBLAS just for training and due to University project restrictions.
Due to limited amount of time I haven't implemented any regularization method, dropout layer or any other optimizer. If I find enough time, I'll definitely try to do this :)
Training parameters can be configured via environment variables like this:
$> export NUMBER_OF_EPOCHS=500
$> export BATCH_SIZE=128
$> export LEARNING_RATE=1e-6
$> ...
$> make run
Default values can be found in src/configuration.hpp
To run my experiments please use
script from experiments
directory like this:
$> python3 experiments/ --logs-dir="logs_100/GTX 1060"
If you want to run above experiments on one of your multi-GPU setup, remember to use
variable like this:
$> CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python3 experiments/ --logs-dir="logs_100/GTX 780 Ti"
NOTE: All experiment logs that I've collected are available in experiments/
Below experiments mesure execution time on GPU for forward and backward passes over three similar neural networks. All of them have a single hidden layer with different number of neurons:
SequentialModel* model = new SequentialModel(optimizer, loss);
model->addLayer(new DenseLayer(28*28, 100));
model->addLayer(new ReLuLayer(100));
model->addLayer(new DenseLayer(100, 10));
Networks were labelled as:
- Small Network - 100 neurons in hidden layer,
- Medium Network - 200 neurons in hidden layer,
- Large Network - 400 neurons in hidden layer.
All experiments were performed on three Nvidia GPUs:
- GTX 780 Ti,
- GTX 1060,
- GTX Titan X.
Once all logs were collected to one directory, I've prepared a Jupyter Notebook that helped me
to generate plots you can find above. Notebook is available in experiments
directory and requires
with pandas
In this experiment I've tried to apply several different Batch Sizes to measure time that was needed for forward and backward pass over a network. All of below experiments used fixed Number of Threads per Block (equal to 16) and dynamic Number of Blocks (enough to calculate output matrix with final result).
It's not a big surprise that larger batch size = smaller execution time due to less communication between host and device.
In this experiment I've applied a few different number of Threads per Block. During this experiment Batch Size was fixed to 128 images, while number of Blocks was calculated dynamically (similarly to previous experiment).
In this experiment I've tried several different Number of Blocks, while Number of Threads was fixed and equals 16. Also, Batch Size was fixed to 128 images.
This experiment shows time needed to execute forward and backward pass on different GPUs using Shared Memory as an optimization for matrix multiplication. I've tried to apply several different values for Batch Size, while Number of Threads was fixed and equal 16.
If you compare below values with Experiment #1, you can see a significant boost in execution time (at least 2x)!
In this experiment I've tried to combine all best values from above plots and find optimum combination of execution parameters. Below experiments tries to find parameters for different Batch Sizes and uses implementation without Shared Memory.
This experiment is very similar to the one above. This one tries to find best values for implementation of matrix multiplication using Shared Memory. Also, Number of Blocks is calculated dynamically as it cannot be changed in my implementation.
On below charts you can find some strange behavious which shows that olders GPUs are faster than newer. I didn't find the root cause for this one. I bet that this has to be somehow connected with memory coalescing as it was only found during backward pass (which uses matrix multiplication with transpositions).
$> nvprof ./build/CUDA-DNN-MNIST
NumberOfEpochs: 100
BatchSize: 512
LearningRate: 1.000000e-06
CUDA Configuration
Device name: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Memory Clock Rate (KHz): 4004000
Memory Bus Width (bits): 192
Tensor2DAddBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DSubtractBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DScaleBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockNumber: -1
Tensor2DMultiplySharedMemory: 0
Tensor2DMeanBlockSize: 8
ReLuBlockSize: 8
CrossEntropyGetMetricBlockSize: 64
CrossEntropyCalculateBlockSize: 64
==14648== Profiling application: ./build/CUDA-DNN-MNIST
==14648== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 38.42% 16.0404s 23400 685.49us 18.528us 3.7671ms kMultiplyByTransposition(int, int, int, int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
33.15% 13.8379s 27200 508.75us 72.095us 1.3625ms kMultiply(int, int, int, int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
20.91% 8.73106s 23400 373.12us 41.279us 746.52us kTransposeAndMultiply(int, int, int, int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
5.34% 2.22900s 54404 40.971us 479ns 240.51us [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
0.51% 212.27ms 23400 9.0710us 8.6720us 14.368us kMeanX(float*, int, int, float*)
0.32% 133.91ms 13600 9.8460us 9.2800us 12.352us kSoftMaxCrossEntropyLoss(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.25% 105.33ms 25300 4.1630us 3.6470us 11.136us kReLu(float*, int, int, float*)
0.24% 99.087ms 11700 8.4680us 7.9030us 13.088us kSoftMaxCrossEntropy(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.23% 96.608ms 23400 4.1280us 895ns 2.3653ms kScale(float*, float, int, int)
0.19% 80.514ms 23400 3.4400us 896ns 2.3759ms kSubtract(float*, float*, int, int)
0.16% 64.817ms 27200 2.3820us 1.1510us 10.784us kAdd1D(float*, float*, int, int)
0.09% 37.797ms 13600 2.7790us 2.2720us 12.032us kSoftMaxCrossEntropyAccuracy(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.07% 27.193ms 23400 1.1620us 831ns 10.912us kScale(float*, float, int)
0.06% 27.087ms 23400 1.1570us 831ns 10.112us kSubtract(float*, float*, int)
0.06% 24.534ms 27200 902ns 480ns 11.520us [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
API calls: 75.15% 41.9718s 23400 1.7937ms 770.97us 6.8354ms cudaEventSynchronize
21.04% 11.7509s 81604 144.00us 3.5690us 32.886ms cudaMemcpy
2.14% 1.19280s 282400 4.2230us 3.0980us 6.3342ms cudaLaunch
0.43% 238.46ms 54414 4.3820us 2.7560us 301.62us cudaMalloc
0.39% 215.61ms 54400 3.9630us 2.2890us 43.260us cudaFree
0.31% 174.21ms 1639700 106ns 77ns 355.90us cudaSetupArgument
0.28% 155.65ms 2 77.825ms 1.7400us 155.65ms cudaEventCreate
0.13% 74.986ms 46800 1.6020us 1.3010us 25.062us cudaEventRecord
0.08% 45.967ms 282400 162ns 94ns 326.66us cudaConfigureCall
0.05% 28.050ms 23400 1.1980us 935ns 286.02us cudaEventElapsedTime
0.00% 292.09us 1 292.09us 292.09us 292.09us cudaGetDeviceProperties
0.00% 229.12us 94 2.4370us 98ns 99.937us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.00% 43.008us 1 43.008us 43.008us 43.008us cuDeviceGetName
0.00% 31.665us 1 31.665us 31.665us 31.665us cuDeviceTotalMem
0.00% 1.6150us 3 538ns 116ns 948ns cuDeviceGetCount
0.00% 699ns 2 349ns 213ns 486ns cuDeviceGet
$> nvprof ./build/CUDA-DNN-MNIST
NumberOfEpochs: 100
BatchSize: 512
LearningRate: 1.000000e-06
CUDA Configuration
Device name: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Memory Clock Rate (KHz): 4004000
Memory Bus Width (bits): 192
Tensor2DAddBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DSubtractBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DScaleBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockSize: 8
Tensor2DMultiplyBlockNumber: -1
Tensor2DMultiplySharedMemory: 1
Tensor2DMeanBlockSize: 8
ReLuBlockSize: 8
CrossEntropyGetMetricBlockSize: 64
CrossEntropyCalculateBlockSize: 64
==14615== Profiling application: ./build/CUDA-DNN-MNIST
==14615== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 28.03% 3.95460s 27200 145.39us 7.7110us 541.05us kMultiplyWithSharedMemory(float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
26.20% 3.69663s 23400 157.98us 28.480us 305.85us kTransposeAndMultiplyWithSharedMemory(float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
23.95% 3.37863s 23400 144.39us 8.6080us 307.80us kMultiplyByTranspositionWithSharedMemory(float*, int, int, float*, int, int, float*)
15.63% 2.20584s 54404 40.545us 479ns 242.81us [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
1.53% 215.32ms 23400 9.2010us 8.5760us 14.528us kMeanX(float*, int, int, float*)
0.94% 132.54ms 13600 9.7450us 9.2480us 12.192us kSoftMaxCrossEntropyLoss(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.76% 107.87ms 25300 4.2630us 3.4240us 10.176us kReLu(float*, int, int, float*)
0.70% 98.539ms 11700 8.4220us 7.8710us 11.584us kSoftMaxCrossEntropy(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.54% 76.761ms 23400 3.2800us 896ns 12.479us kScale(float*, float, int, int)
0.46% 65.574ms 23400 2.8020us 927ns 10.495us kSubtract(float*, float*, int, int)
0.45% 64.116ms 27200 2.3570us 1.1510us 11.359us kAdd1D(float*, float*, int, int)
0.27% 38.277ms 13600 2.8140us 2.4000us 11.808us kSoftMaxCrossEntropyAccuracy(float*, int, int, float*, float*)
0.18% 25.519ms 23400 1.0900us 831ns 10.464us kScale(float*, float, int)
0.18% 25.415ms 23400 1.0860us 831ns 9.1830us kSubtract(float*, float*, int)
0.17% 23.705ms 27200 871ns 768ns 11.904us [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
API calls: 55.62% 15.7338s 23400 672.38us 40.850us 2.9389ms cudaEventSynchronize
36.66% 10.3698s 81604 127.07us 3.5850us 32.556ms cudaMemcpy
4.09% 1.15701s 282400 4.0970us 3.0420us 4.1125ms cudaLaunch
0.97% 275.76ms 2 137.88ms 1.1490us 275.76ms cudaEventCreate
0.85% 241.33ms 54414 4.4350us 2.8870us 235.44us cudaMalloc
0.79% 224.37ms 54400 4.1240us 2.5040us 1.0894ms cudaFree
0.52% 145.86ms 1343700 108ns 76ns 323.20us cudaSetupArgument
0.25% 71.962ms 46800 1.5370us 1.2490us 319.73us cudaEventRecord
0.13% 37.676ms 282400 133ns 88ns 295.90us cudaConfigureCall
0.10% 28.298ms 23400 1.2090us 917ns 266.18us cudaEventElapsedTime
0.00% 270.00us 1 270.00us 270.00us 270.00us cudaGetDeviceProperties
0.00% 228.16us 94 2.4270us 97ns 99.357us cuDeviceGetAttribute
0.00% 42.754us 1 42.754us 42.754us 42.754us cuDeviceGetName
0.00% 32.095us 1 32.095us 32.095us 32.095us cuDeviceTotalMem
0.00% 1.7430us 3 581ns 106ns 1.0910us cuDeviceGetCount
0.00% 714ns 2 357ns 227ns 487ns cuDeviceGet