klassi-Js is a debuggable BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) JavaScript test automation framework, Built on webdriver.io (Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js) and cucumber-js and distinguished by its integration of AI for advanced debugging functionalities. This incorporation of artificial intelligence elevates the framework"s capabilities, providing a streamlined and efficient approach to test automation.
yarn add klassi-js
npm install klassi-js
node ./node_modules/klassi-js/index.js
--help output usage information
--version output the version number
--browser <name> name of browser to use (chrome, firefox). defaults to chrome
--tags <@tagName> name of cucumber tags to run - Multiple TAGS usage (@tag1,@tag2)
--exclude <@tagName> name of cucumber tags to exclude - Multiple TAGS usage(@tag3,@tag5)
--steps <path> path to step definitions. defaults to ./step-definitions
--featureFiles <path> path to feature definitions. defaults to ./features
--pageObjects <path> path to page objects. defaults to ./page-objects
--sharedObjects <paths> path to shared objects - repeatable. defaults to ./shared-objects
--reports <path> output path to save reports. defaults to ./reports
--env <path> name of environment to run the framework/test in. default to dev
--reportName <optional> name of what the report would be called i.e. "Automated Test"
--tags @tagName || will execute the scenarios tagged with the values provided.
--featureFiles features/example.feature,features/example1.feature || provide specific feature files containing the scenarios to be executed. If multiple are necessary, separate them with a comma (no blank space in between).
You can use the framework without any command line arguments if your application uses the following folder structure, to help with the built in functionality usage.
└── features
└── search.feature
└── page-objects
└── search.js
└── shared-objects
└── searchData.js
└── step_definitions
└── search-steps.js
└── reports # folder and content gets created automatically at runtime
└── chrome
├── reportName-01-01-1900-235959.html
└── reportName-01-01-1900-235959.json
.envConfigrc.js # this file will contain all your environment variables (i.e. dev, test, prod etc.,)
.dataConfigrc.js # this file will contain all your project variables #projectName, emailAddresses
.env # this file contains all config username and passcode and should be listed in the gitignore file
cucumber.js # the cucumber configuration file
The following variables are available within the Given()
, When()
and Then()
Variable | Description |
browser |
an instance of webdriverio (the browser) |
pageObjects |
collection of page objects loaded from disk and keyed by filename |
sharedObjects |
collection of shared objects loaded from disk and keyed by filename |
helpers |
a collection of helper methods things webdriver.io does not provide but really should! |
expect |
instance of chai expect to expect("something").to.equal("something") |
assert |
instance of chai assert to assert.isOk("everything", "everything is ok") |
trace |
handy trace method to log console output with increased visibility |
Klassi-js contains a few helper methods to help along the way, these methods are:
// Load a URL, returning only when the <body> tag is present
await helpers.loadPage("https://duckduckgo.com", 10);
// writing content to a text file
await helpers.writeToTxtFile(filepath, output);
// reading content froma text file
await helpers.readFromFile(filepath);
// applying the current date to files
await helpers.currentDate();
// get current date and time (dd-mm-yyyy-00:00:00)
await helpers.getCurrentDateTime();
// clicks an element (or multiple if present) that is not visible, useful in situations where a menu needs a hover before a child link appears
await helpers.clickHiddenElement(selector, textToMatch);
// Get the href link from an element
await helpers.getLink(selector);
//wait until and element is visible and click it
await helpers.waitAndClick(selector);
// wait until element to be in focus and set the value
await helpers.waitAndSetValue(selector, value);
// function to get element from frame or frameset
await helpers.getElementFromFrame(frameName, selector);
//Sorts results by date
await helpers.sortByDate();
//this filters an item from a list of items
await helpers.filterItem();
//this filters an item from a list of items and clicks on it
await helpers.filterItemAndClick();
HTML and JSON reports will be automatically generated and stored in the default ./reports
folder. This location can be
changed by providing a new path using the --reports
command line switch:
You can register event handlers for the following events within the cucumber lifecycle.
const {After, Before, AfterAll, BeforeAll, BeforeStep, AfterStep} = require("@cucumber/cucumber");
Event | Example |
Before | Before(function() { // This hook will be executed before all scenarios}) |
After | After(function() {// This hook will be executed after all scenarios}); |
BeforeAll | BeforeAll(function() {// perform some shared setup}); |
AfterAll | AfterAll(function() {// perform some shared teardown}); |
BeforeStep | BeforeStep(function() {// This hook will be executed before all steps in a scenario with tagname; |
AfterStep | AfterStep(function() {// This hook will be executed after all steps, and take a screenshot on step failure; |
Most webdriverio methods return a JavaScript Promise that is resolved when the method completes. The easiest way to step in with a debugger is to add a .then
method to the function and place a debugger
statement within it, for example:
When(/^I search DuckDuckGo for "([^"]*)"$/, function (searchQuery, done) {
elem = browser.$("#search_form_input_homepage").then(function(input) {
debugger; // <<- your IDE should step in at this point, with the browser open
return input;
done(); // <<- let cucumber know you"re done
To see a demo of the framework without installing it, use this link HERE
Please raise bugs via the klassi-js issue tracker, please provide enough information for bug reproduction.
Anyone can contribute to this project, PRs are welcome. In lieu of a formal styleguide, please take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Licenced under MIT License © 2016 Larry Goddard