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EndHic is a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C scaffolding tool, using the Hi-C links from contig end regions instead of whole contig regions to assemble large contigs into chromosomal-level scaffolds.

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EndHic is a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C scaffolding tool, using the Hi-C links from contig end regions instead of whole contig regions to assemble large contigs into chromosomal-level scaffolds. 

EndHiC takes the HiC-pro"s bin matrix results as input data. After running HiC-pro, the recommended EndHiC usage for most users is to run or When your contig assembly is quite good, then [one round of EndHiC] is able to finish the job; When your contig assembly is relatively fragmental, then [multiple rounds of EndHiC] should be used. How many rounds is needed depend on the contig assembly level, and more fragmental contigs need higher rounds of EndHiC.

Two example data are included in EndHiC package:

  git clone [email protected]:fanagislab/EndHiC.git

  cd EndHiC/z.testing_data/Arabidopsis_thalina

  cd EndHiC/z.testing_data/Cichorium_intybus

Note: The Arabidopsis_thalina testing data shows the usage of on long-continuous contig assembly, while the Cichorium_intybus testing data shows the usage of with relatively shorter contig assembly.

An example data for detecting the assembly errors in the contigs is also included in EndHiC package:

  cd EndHiC/z.testing_data/Detect_errors_in_contigs

Usage instructions:

1. Input files: (example, human hifiasm + hic-pro)

(1) hifiasm.fa.len                
    Includes two column:  contig_id	contig_length	

(2) humanHiC_100000_abs.bed     
    Generated by Hic-pro, 100-kb bins, bed format file

(3) humanHiC_100000.matrix        
    Generated by Hic-pro, 100-kb bins, raw matrix file

(4) humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix   
    Generated by Hic-pro, 100-kb bins, normalized matrix file

2. EndHiC programs: (the ranks shows invoking relationship)	

(1) Basic usage: 

run endhic with specified contig end size and specified contact cutoff

#calculate the HiC contact values among contigs, using Hi-C links data from fixed-size contig ends --binsize 100000 --binnum 10 hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix > humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact

##adjust the contig contacts, and perform linear transformation, to find the turning point humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact > humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.adjustTransform 2> humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.turningPoint

#build contig graph by assigning links to contigs whose contact is larger than a given cutoff, and also satisfy reciprocal best requirement   --contacts 147.07 --reciprocalmax  hifiasm.fa.len  humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact > humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa 

#Identify linear and circular topology in the contig graph  humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa > humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa.topology

#Output cluster results with order and orientation information --size 2000000 humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa.topology > humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa.cluster

(2) Basic pipeline:

#run endhic with specified contig end size, in various automatically determined contact cutoff, using Hic-pro raw matrix data --binsize 100000 --binnum 10 hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix

#run endhic with specified contig end size, in various automatically determined contact cutoff, using Hic-pro normalized matrix data --binsize 100000 --binnum 10 hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix

(3) Standard pipeline: [run only one round of, when contig assembly is quite good] 

##run endhic with various contig end size, in various automatically determined contact cutoff, using Hic-pro raw and normalized matrix data. At most cases, this can generate chromosome-level scaffolds  hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix

(4) Iterative pipeline: [run multiple rounds of, when contig assembly is not so good]

##If a single run of can"t finish the scaffolding task, i.e. the number of resulting clusters is more than that of chromosomes, iterative running of is recommended. In each loop, the contig end size is increasing. In this way, the problems caused by the repeat sequences on the contig ends will be overcomed.

Using default parameters of  --rounds 3  --binnumstep 5 hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix

For more shorter contigs, try to run more rounds with smaller increasing of contig end sizes  --rounds 15 --binnumstep 1 hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix humanHiC_100000_iced.matrix

3. EndHiC output sub-directory and files

In 01.contig_end_contact_results/

(1) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact
    Contig contact file, with 7 columns (#CtgId1 CtgId2  EndContact Ctg1Pos Ctg2Pos UsedBinNum1     UsedBinNum2)

(2) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.adjustTransform
    Contig contact, adjusted, and linear transformed, to find the turning point

(3) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.turningPoint
    Automatically inferred turning point, which will be used as the basic value for the contig contact cutoff

In 02.GFA_contig_graph_results/

(1) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.gfa
    Contig graph in GFA format, contact value over cutoff, can be viewed in Bandage software

(2) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa
    Contig graph in GFA format,  contact value over cutoff, and satisfy reciprocal best, can be viewed in Bandage software

In 03.cluster_order_orient_results/

(1) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa.topology
    Topology of the contig graph, identify linear or circular groups

(2) humanHiC_100000.matrix.*.CtgContact.overCutoff.1.0.reciprocalMax.gfa.cluster
    Scaffold results, including cluster, order, and orientation information

In 04.summary_and_merging_results/

(1) z.EndHiC.A.results.summary
    Summary and analysis results for the first loop, merging all the raw and iced results

(2) z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster  [Final EndHiC Result]
    Final scaffold results with high robustness, merging all the raw and iced results
    This is recommeded to be the final endhic result.

(3) z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster.gfa 
    GFA format of the final scaffold results, which can be graphically viewed in Bandage software

Instruction of *.summary file:

   Part 1: Number of clusters under each condition

   Part 2: Statistics of all Cluster units

   Part 3: Statistics of merged Cluster units

   Part 4: Statistics of stable (high frequency) cluster units

   Part 5: Statistics of stable cluster units (redundant short contigs removed)

   Part 6: Included contigs, total number, total length 

Format of *.cluster file: 

   In total 5 columns
   column 1: Cluster id, sorted by cluster length   
   column 2: Number of contigs included in this cluster 
   column 3: Cluster length, total length of contigs in this cluster 
   column 4: robustness, i.e. appearance times in the results from various contig end sizes and contact cutoffs
   column 5: Included contigs with order and orientation, separated by ";", and "+-" means strands
             e.g. ptg000046l-;ptg000079l+;ptg000058l-;ptg000047l+ (equivalent to ptg000047l-;ptg000058l+;ptg000079l-;ptg000046l+)

4.  Pre-EndHiC programs

(1) draw HiC heatmap for contigs, helpful to find assembly errors in contigs, each point stands for window size 10*100000 = 1 M humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix 10

(2) mapping the unitigs (p_utg) to contigs (p_ctg), only tested for Hifiasm contigs:
perl ./ human.p_ctg.noseq.gfa human.p_utg.noseq.gfa > 2>

(3) Identify the assembly errors in contigs by Hi-C heatmaps and unitig breaks:

##use both the HiC data and the data
perl human_100000_abs.bed human_100000.matrix > human.assmebly_errors.position

##only use the HiC data, when the is not available
perl human_100000_abs.bed human_100000.matrix  > human.assmebly_errors.position

The result file contains 10 columns:
	Ctg_id		contig id
	Error_loc	assembly error position inferred from HiC data
	Inter_contact   the count of HiC links between the two bins (500kb-apart) crossing the assembly error position
	Inter_cutoff    the cutoff of Inter_contact, which is 1/10 of the median values from all the inter-bins (500kb-apart)
	Intra_contact1  the count of HiC links within the left bin crossing the assembly error position
	Intra_contact2  the count of HiC links within the right bin crossing the assembly error position
	Intra_cutoff    the cutoff of Intra_contact1 and Intra_contact2, which is 1/10 of the median values of all the intra-bins
	Break_pos	assembly error position inferred from unitig break point
	Utg1_id		the left unitig crossing the assembly error position 
	Utg2_id		the right unitig crossing the assembly error position 

5. Post-EndHiC programs

(1) Convert to AGP and Fasta format files

#convert cluster format file to AGP format file z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster  hifiasm.fa.len  > scaffolds.agp

#convert AGP format file to Fasta format file scaffolds.agp  hifiasm.fa > scaffolds.fa

(2) Draw Hi-C heatmaps for the EndHiC scaffolds
#convert the contig bed file to cluster bed file humanHiC_100000_abs.bed  z.EndHiC.B.results.summary.cluster > clusterB_100000_abs.bed  2>

#draw HiC heatmap for endhic scaffolds, each point represents window size 20*100000 = 2 M  clusterB_100000_abs.bed  humanHiC_100000.matrix  20

(3) Mapping unclustered short contigs to each cluster

#calculate the HiC contact values among contigs, using Hi-C links data from half contig(i.e. max contig end size)
perl ../../../  --binsize 100000  --binnum -1  hifiasm.fa.len  humanHiC_100000_abs.bed  humanHiC_100000.matrix > humanHiC_100000.matrix.halfContig.ctgContact

##normalize the contig contact by the used bin numbers, only keep the max contact from head vs head, head vs tail, tail vs head, tail vs tail comparisons  --normalize  humanHiC_100000.matrix.halfContig.ctgContact > humanHiC_100000.matrix.halfContig.ctgContact.normalize

#mapping the unclustered short contigs into Endhic clusters, with specified cutoff --contact 1 --times 2   z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster  hifiasm.fa.len  humanHiC_100000.matrix.halfContig.ctgContact.normalize >

(4) Convert EndHiC result to juicebox compatible file formats, which can be viewed in Juicebox

##convert EndHiC .cluster file into juicebox .assembly file contigs.fa.len z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster > draft.assembly

##index the contig sequence file
bwa index draft.fa

##generate the enzyme cutting sites file draft_MboI.txt
juicer/misc/ MboI draft draft.fa

##generate the Hi-C reads alignment file aligned/merged_nodups.txt
##prepare data: put the HiC reads under ./fastq/; put the contig sequence file and index files under ./reference/;
juicer/CPU/ -S early -g draft -s MboI -z ./references/draft.fa -y ./draft_MboI.txt -p ./references/draft.fa.size -t 50 -D juicer/CPU

##generate the hic input file draft.hic for viewing in juicebox
3d-dna/visualize/ draft.assembly merged_nodups.txt  

For more instructions, please refer to the help pages of juicer and juicebox.

6. Accuracy verifying programs

(1) Run endhic using the max contact values from bin pairs of two compared contigs --binsize 1000000  hifiasm.fa.len humanHiC_100000_abs.bed humanHiC_100000.matrix

(2) Apply Hierarchical clustering algorithm with contig distance converted from Hi-C contact values derived from contig end regions

##normalize the contig contact by the used bin numbers, and converted to distance values ranging from 0 to 1 humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact > humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.distance

##generate all the middle procedure results of the Hierarchical clustering algorithm --verbose -type min humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.distance hifiasm.fa.len > 2> humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.distance.hcluster

##Find the suitable stop loop, which represents correct chromosomes, by giving expected crhomosome number and minimum chromosome length cutoff --chr_num  23 --chr_len  20000000  humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.distance.hcluster  >  humanHiC_100000.matrix.100000.10.CtgContact.distance.hcluster.need

(3) Compare two clusters

##only compare the clustering information, not consider order and orientation information  human.contigs.minimap2.cluster  z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster  > z.EndHiC.A.results.summary.cluster.vs.ref

7. Reference

Sen Wang, Hengchao Wang, Fan Jiang, Anqi Wang, Hangwei Liu, Hanbo Zhao, Boyuan Yang, Dong Xu, Yan Zhang, Wei Fan. EndHiC: assemble large contigs into chromosomal-level scaffolds using the Hi-C links from contig ends. (2021)

8. Contact any of these authors for help:

Wei Fan, 0000-0001-5036-8733  [email protected]  or [email protected]
Sen Wang,  0000-0001-9793-4472  [email protected]  
Hengchao Wang, 0000-0002-8754-4195  [email protected]
Fan Jiang, 0000-0003-1359-0970	 [email protected]
Yan Zhang,	0000-0003-2281-7807 [email protected]


EndHic is a fast and easy-to-use Hi-C scaffolding tool, using the Hi-C links from contig end regions instead of whole contig regions to assemble large contigs into chromosomal-level scaffolds.






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