A relatively powerful chess engine built in rust.
- Iterative Deepening
- Aspiration Windows
- Transposition Tables
- Depth-preferred Replacement Strategy
- Move Ordering
- Internal Iterative Deepening
- History Heuristic
- Killer Heuristic
- Selectivity
- Extensions
- Check Extensions
- Pruning
- Alpha-beta Pruning (fail-high / beta cutoff)
- Reductions
- Late Move Reductions
- Quiescence Search
- Extensions
- Tapered Evaluation
- Material
- Point Values
- Bishop Pair
- Imbalance Tables
- Piece-Square Tables
- Space
- Mobility
- Trapped Pieces
- Rooks on (Semi) Open Files
- Outposts
- Pawn Structure
- Supported Pawn
- Backward Pawn
- Doubled Pawn
- Isolated Pawn
- Blocked Pawn
- Phalanx
- Connected Pawns
- Passed Pawn
- King Proximity
- Threats
- Queen Infiltration
- Restricted Squares
- Slider/Knight on Queen
- Weak Pieces
- Hanging Pieces
- King Safety
- Attacking King Ring
- Pawn Shelter
- Pawn Storm
- Checks
- Square Control
Download the executable from the 'releases' section and run it with:
# Show the help menu
./chessatron help
- Install rust as instructed here.
- Run the following commands from the terminal in a directory of your choosing:
# Clone the source code into `./chessatron/`
git clone https://github.com/Rice-Rocket/chess-engine.git ./chessatron
# Enter the folder with source code
cd chessatron
# Compile the code in release mode
cargo build --release
# Run the binary and show the help menu
cargo run --release -- help