Important: This package is a KCL R interface to UKB data on Rosalind. It is only useful for UKB-approved KCL reasearchers and their collaborators, with an account on the Rosalind HPC cluster.
The ukbkings package includes functions to access UK Biobank (UKB) project data on the Rosalind High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, for UKB-approved King's College London (KCL) researchers and collaborators. Access to data for a particular project is restricted to named collaborators on the project.
Install this development version from github with:
devtools::install_github("kenhanscombe/ukbkings", dependencies = TRUE, force = TRUE)
Project-specific data are in /scratch/datasets/ukbiobank/<project_dir>/. The structure of a project directory setup for use with ukbkings is documented in the project setup tool, ukbproject. This is mainly intended for project owners/ managers. Access to project data for individual researchers is described in the Access UKB data on Rosalind article.
Note. Any additional downloads (e.g. data baskets and associated keys, data downloads from the UKB data portal) should be stored in the subdirectory raw/. (Do not create further subdirectories within this folder)