OCR-D command line tools
Use virtualenv
to install dependencies:
virutalenv -p python3 env-dir
source env-dir/bin/activate
pip install -e path/to/dir/containing/setup.py
- Create a new (empty) workspace:
ocrd workspace init workspace-dir
- cd into
- Add new file to workspace:
ocrd workspace add file -G group -i id -m mimetype
The alignment tool line-aligns multiple file groups. It can be used to align the results of multiple OCRs with their respective ground-truth.
The tool expects a comma-separated list of input file groups, the according output file group and the url of the configuration file:
ocrd-cis-align \
--input-file-grp 'ocr1,ocr2,gt' \
--ouput-file-grp 'ocr1 ocr2 gt' \
--parameter file:///path/to/config.json