Digital "measuring tape" with OLED display and HCSR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
- ATtiny84
- Push-button
- 10k resistor
- 22k resistor
- 2x 100nF ceramic capacitor
- 128x32 I2C OLED display
- HCSR-04 ultrasonic distance sensor module
- 10k NTC thermistor (B = 3435, see below)
- 1k resistor
- 2N3904 transistor
- 5v boost converter module
- AAA battery and holder
- Arduino 1.8.9 (or later) with ATTinyCore
- Tiny4kOLED library
- SimpleTimer library
- uC-Makefile (optional)
Assuming operating temperature is in the range [0, 50) degrees C, we generate an array of resistances as follows:
(defn steinhart-hart [R0 B]
(let [T0 298.15
rinf (/ R0 (Math/exp (/ B T0)))]
(fn [T] (Math/round (* rinf (Math/exp (/ B ( T 273.15)))))))
(map (steinhart-hart 10000 3435) (range 0 50))
This is for an NTC part with R0=10k and B=3435, see the description of the Steinhart-Hart equation.
(Conveniently all of the values in this range fit in 16-bits so the entire array takes up only 100 bytes of flash.)