- This program automatically detects the change-points (boundaries) of a spatially varying coefficient linear model, i.e., the coefficients of a linear model varies among different spatial partitions/regions/segmentations.
- The algorithm used a greedy merging method to iteratively searching for the best pair of neighboring regions to merge until meeting stopping criteria.
- More details can refer to post@jay15summer.
- Note: the algorithm borrows ideas from a paper "Fast Algorithms for Segmented Regression" and a GitHub repository DataDog/piecewise.
- Main function is:
[partition_all, partiaion_slt] = spatial_partition_reg(S, X, y, h, v, T)
. - The inputs of the algorithm are:
- S: an N-by-2 matrix representing N spatial locations/coordinates;
- X: an N-by-m matrix of m-dimension independent variables at locations S;
- Y: an N-by-1 matrix of dependent variable at locations S;
- h: an integer specifying the initial number of grids at horizontal direction (for initial grid-wise segmentation);
- v: an integer specifying the initial number of grids at vertical direction (for initial grid-wise segmentation, the total number of rectangle shape of grid-wise segmentations is h*v);
- T: a scalar specifying the threshold for stopping the merging. If merging a pair of neighboring regions results in the increase-percentage of the fitting error exceeding T, the algorithm will stop, i.e., optimal partitioning is found. Usually, 0<T<1, e.g., T = 0.05.
- The outputs of the algorithm are:
- partition_all: a cell recording the segmentations of every iterations (partition_all.segments) and their fitting errors (partition_all.metric);
- partition_slt: a map representing the selected partitions/segmentations (this program used "map" to represent partitioning).
The keys of the map can be obtained via
. The data [S X y] of every partition can be obtained viapartition_slt(keys).data
. The neighbor of the selected segmentation ispartition_slt(keys).neighbor
; - two plots: 1. percentage-increase of SSE (metric, sum of squared errors); 2. selected final partitioning.
- "example1.m" gives a simulated example implementing the algorithm.