Countdown Days allow users to count how many days left to a certain day.
Users are able to register, login, reset passwords and add, edit, view, and delete date entries. The interface of this app is simple and straightforward.
- Frontend: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS (done by me, this repository)
- Backend: Golang, MySQL, Docker (not done by me)
View the initial design for the app here.
- UI/UX, Frontend: Justina Wong
- Frontend Consultant: Jennifer Wong
- Backend: Robin Cristobal
The goal of developing this app was for me to solidify, as well as put to use, everything I had learned about React and JavaScript.
Challenges I Overcame
- Working with backend APIs such as fetching and using fetched data
- Finding the optimal way to pass data to components
- Writing and running unit tests
Future Improvements
- Better organization of components and file
- Better flow of components and data
- Improve efficiency of using states and context
- Incorporate Redux where possible
- Modal operation for adding and editing entries?
- Make the application responsive
With more practice, I hope to write cleaner code as well.