Advent of Code 2020 in golang
These are by no means good or fast solutions, just my personal repo to keep tracks of this years progress
Please no Intcode..... (doesn"t look like it yet :)))))))) Update: well kinda... but it"s okay so far.
For python solutions check Logxn/Advent-of-Code-2020
Use make new
in the terminal to automatically create a new folder with the important files for the day.
These files are copied from the static-template folder. If you want to make any changes to the blueprint, do it there.
Keep in mind that these fetch utils do not request the input again if the input file already exists.
It will just use the existing file without making any HTTP requests, so we don"t spam the API of
If you want to make another request to AOC in order to refresh your input file (for whatever reason you want to do so), you need to delete the already existing
file so the fetch-utils make a new request.
In order for the fetch utils to work properly:
- create a folder /secrets in the src/advent-of-go-2020
- place session.go inside this newly created folder
- place your session-key inside session.go. You can find your session key in your session cookie when visiting the website
Your project structure should look likes this:
├── calendar/
│ ├── day-01/
│ │ ├── day01.go
│ │ ├── day01_pt02.go
│ │ └── // <-- this is created by fetch utils
│ └── ...
├── utils/
│ ├── conv/
│ ├── files/
│ ├── req/
│ ├── slices/
│ └── str/
├── secrets/
│ └── session.go
├── Makefile
└── template // <-- change this if you wish to modify your blueprint
package secrets
const (
Session = "session=<your-session-key>"
package main
import "advent-of-go-2020/utils"
func main() {
input := utils.ReadFile(1, "\n")
// ^ ^
// | |
// day |
// |
// delimiter
// more code...