- Building a raspberry pi self driving rc car, may take a while, but i hope to learn a lot of stuff on the way.
- Create a handler to control sonic with a PS3 bluetooth controller(see donkey car ps3 controller).
- Use tornado to create a controller stream for sonic.
- Stream video from sonic's pi cam to the web interface.
- create PWM actuators for controlling sonic i.e steering the MG996R servo motor and throttling the DC motor via L298N motor board with speed control.
- Succesfully drive sonic via the web interface with the pi cam.
- Self driving stub and CNN model.
- House cleaning and committing lots of changes.
- Nvidia's research paper on self driving cars.
- A part is a class that represents a functional unit of the car (physical or logical) such as cameras, web interface and motor contollers.
- All parts share a common structure so that they can all be run by the vehicles drive loop.
: function that runs the partpart.update
: funtion that runs the part in a thread looppart.run_threaded
: threaded functionpart.shutdown
- For a vehicle to perform well the drive loop must execute 10-30 times per second so slow parts should be threaded to avoid holding up the drive loop.
- A threaded part needs to define the function that runs in the separate thread and the function to call that will return the most recent values quickly.
- Pi camera
- Web interface
- PWM Actuators - MG996R servo motor and L298N to control the 12v DC motor
- Joystick - am using an X-box 360 pad , the controls for the PS3 dualshock were difficult to use in my case( R2 for steering !!)
- Tub - datastrore to store sensor data in a key, value format e.g speed,steering angle & images from the pi cam.
- Right now you can contribute by giving me ideas on how you think the neural network for the self driving car should be designed & necessary hardware too.
- The donkey car project has been really helpful to me, Note, though most of the design of this project is similar, It's not a donkey car project.
- Nvidia End to End learning for self driving cars https://images.nvidia.com/content/tegra/automotive/images/2016/solutions/pdf/end-to-end-dl-using-px.pdf
- https://towardsdatascience.com/deep-learning-for-self-driving-cars-7f198ef4cfa2
- Comma AI research https://github.com/commaai/research
- https://github.com/cyanamous/Self-Driving-Car-