Laravel 4/5 Identicon Package - Extends Identicon Library and Adds Support for Seamless Usage with Laravel 4 or 5.
You can either add the package directly by firing this command
$ composer require irazasyed/laravel-identicon:~1.1
Or add in the require
key of composer.json
file manually by add the following
"irazasyed/laravel-identicon": "~1.1"
And Run the Composer update comand
$ composer update
In your app/config/app.php
add 'Irazasyed\LaravelIdenticon\ServiceProvider'
to the end of the $providers
'providers' => array(
At the end of app/config/app.php
add 'Identicon' => 'Irazasyed\LaravelIdenticon\Facade'
to the $aliases
'aliases' => array(
'App' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
'Artisan' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan',
'Identicon' => 'Irazasyed\LaravelIdenticon\Facade',
This Package adds Laravel Support to Identicon PHP Library. It simply extends the library as well as optimized for usage with Laravel. So all the methods listed here are available and will work seamlessly.
Generate and Display an identicon image:
Generate and get the image data
$imageData = Identicon::getImageData('bar');
Generate and get the base 64 image uri ready for integrate into an HTML img tag. The below example is using blade templating
<img src="{{ Identicon::getImageDataUri('bar') }}" alt="bar Identicon" />
And all the other remaining methods from the main library.
MIT © Syed I.R
Any issues, please report here