This repository contains the code and data needed to reproduce the experiments of the paper:
R. Cañamares, P. Castells. Should I Follow the Crowd? A Probabilistic Analysis of the Effectiveness of Popularity in Recommender Systems. 41st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018). Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 2018, pp. 415-424
The software produces the results displayed in figures 3, 5 and 6 in the paper.
The code contains two main modules:
Module 1: Monte Carlo computation of the integral described in section 5.3 of the paper, producing the results displayed in Figure 3.
The module includes the following packages:
: classes to represent values of key conditional probabilities for simulated
: primary method to numerically integrate the expected precision by Monte
: classes that sample values for the key probabilities for simulated items and compute the expected value of P@1 (observed and true) for given
: classes that rank simulated items according to the probabilistic version of the ranking function of different non-personalized recommendation criteria (random, popularity, average rating and optimal oracle rankings).
Module 2: Computation of the metrics P@1 and nDCG@10 (true and observed versions) as reported in sections 6.2 and 6.3 of the paper. For section 6.2, randomized versions of a crowdsourced dataset (CM100k, see "Data" below) are generated recreating different independence assumptions, on which non-personalized recommenders are compared: random, popularity, average rating and the optimal rankings, producing the results displayed in Figure 5 (along with basic results for MovieLens 1M). For section 6.3, normalized and non-normalized kNN variants are run on the MovieLens 1M and CM100k datasets.
The module includes the following packages:
: classes to reproduce a cross-validation
: classes to manipulate the data and generate the different scenarios of section 6.2.
The module uses the RankSys library, and extends some of its classes. Our extensions are located in the following packages:
: extension of RankSys user preference data structures to support the concatenation of several files containing user ratings (the training folds of the cross-validation)
: extension of RankSys implementations of kNN collaborative filtering, adding normalized user-based
: extension of RankSys implementations of non-personalized recommendation, adding the implementation of average rating, relevant popularity and the optimal rankings.
The code contains two more independent packages:
: this package contains the specific top-level classes to generate each figure (
) and aMain
class calling all three of
: just includes a timing class.
The repository includes for convenience a copy of the datasets used in the paper, that are needed for the reproduction of the experiments. These include the CM100k (which was released as part of the contribution of the paper) and MovieLens 1M datasets.
Java JDK: 1.8 or above (the software was tested using the version 1.8.0_181).
Maven: tested with version 3.6.0.
Download all the files and unzip them into any root folder.
From the root folder run the command:
mvn compile assembly::single
To run all the experiments run the command:
java -cp .\target\SIGIR2018-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
A file results.txt
will be generated inside the root folder.
A MS Excel file figures.xlsx
is provided, ready for the results in the above file to be pasted where indicated. Upon doing this, similar graphs to the ones in the paper will be displayed.
Exact metric values change slightly from one execution to another:
------------------ Figure 3 ------------------
Random Popularity Average rating Optimal
Observed P@1 0.03116459901130887 0.5578455975753752 0.11013380638108188 0.5627394708115975
True P@1 0.5016332961450131 0.7107214036246516 0.8584746659065928 0.999725156715827
------------------ Figure 5 ------------------
MovieLens 1M
Recommender Observed P@1 Observed nDCG@10
Random 0.005596026490066213 0.0038458865171088147
Popularity 0.2098675496688449 0.1493438938396316
Average 0.14589403973508905 0.10196538518818263
f^ : Optimal observed ranking 0.21079470198672542 0.14903111060720312
Crowdsourced 100k dataset
a) All ratings
Recommender Observed P@1 Observed nDCG@10
Random 0.005597722960151804 0.006625197873998685
Popularity 0.01605313092979125 0.023148557509490155
Average 0.015559772296015156 0.0237944908417082
f^ : Optimal observed ranking 0.020322580645161254 0.02796306084610136
b) Actual discovery (mixed dependency)
Recommender Observed P@1 True P@1 Observed nDCG@10 True nDCG@10
Random 0.0012623158437221592 0.02125768082996259 0.0030406392598662816 0.014701510258760672
Popularity 0.015321994598499788 0.01729393021347722 0.03982617127699494 0.017804988702735714
Average 0.014257341499672569 0.02088608860550921 0.02300468271524813 0.02512811339866609
f^ : Optimal observed ranking 0.0196603409044686 0.02283571137693351 0.04644629667212194 0.02106153676691221
f : Optimal true ranking 0.003351938420540986 0.05523351470932518 0.005674788588152241 0.041004039017661705
c) Relevance-independent discovery
Recommender Observed P@1 True P@1 Observed nDCG@10 True nDCG@10
Random 6.451612903225806E-4 0.026299810246679267 0.002227889654839054 0.017209367069424258
Popularity 0.015294117647058802 0.041347248576850015 0.03329369512325497 0.027787715955213316
Average 0.0019354838709677417 0.05419354838709682 0.0063892457331493294 0.03778386756462834
f^ : Optimal observed ranking 0.021973434535104325 0.040702087286527425 0.04410416899205351 0.025582880668314423
f : Optimal true ranking 0.0010626185958254267 0.08280834914611082 0.006117205206202229 0.06696364258953402
d) Item-independent discovery
Recommender Observed P@1 True P@1 Observed nDCG@10 True nDCG@10
Random 0.0011026820259398573 0.02046212901060843 0.0033109122402735823 0.014363567021178286
Popularity 0.0025294986581055673 0.046801001495267315 0.007259395508198876 0.03953130874953142
Average 0.0025481311644216494 0.04522266377801705 0.006642338070580163 0.03178632219956042
f^ : Optimal observed ranking 0.007606497819511752 0.04750665111560022 0.01767555923096799 0.03509623106917378
f : Optimal true ranking 0.0041455827332742765 0.06819027535723052 0.010894364648301045 0.05805301604711277
------------------ Figure 6 ------------------
MovieLens 1M
Recommender Observed P@1 Observed nDCG@10
Non-normalized user-based kNN 0.4130132450330405 0.2825003770150513
Normalized user-based kNN 0.1470529801324397 0.1863671579531564
Crowdsourced 100k
Recommender Observed P@1 True P@1 Observed nDCG@10 True nDCG@10
Non-normalized user-based kNN 0.012084462563288198 0.01920137092139627 0.027545256200761915 0.01791544253621822
Normalized user-based kNN 0.006700879456540734 0.023814526504910248 0.017320576589456294 0.01837708823018656