- Added ERC20 TestToken
- Added Token Staking basic contract
- Started testing
- Updated Token Staking contract
- Added ability to stake, unstake, redistribute
- Implemented testing
- Added redistribution script
- Injected web3 and metamask
- Ability to detect if metamask installed, logged, locked
- Added skeletons for totalStaked, myStake,
- Added skeletons for Tester to Redistribute rewards and claim test tokens
- Added ability to load contracts
- Fetching data from TokenStaking contract
- Fetching balances
- Stake, Unstake is now working
- Redistribute rewards for (Admin only) is now working
- Implemented totalstaked
- Implemented ability to claim test token(Tst) (FOR TESTIN PURPOSE ONLY)
- Added amount type validity check
- Add ability for user to stake max
- Added ability to listen to triggers .on transactionHash
- Data automatically fetched after confirmation received
- Added HDWallet provider and Infura setup
- Deployed on ropsten and rinkeby
- Different staking pool implemented customStake/customUnstake
- Implemented ability for admin to change custom pool APY value via script
- Implemented custom reward Pool redistribution
- Contract Source Code Verified (Exact Match)
- Components split in to smaller
- Added frontend logic for custom pools
- Added UI Elements
- Loaders fixed
- Add clear running description
- Copy project to your directory ( git clone https://github.com/ibnzUK/Token-Staking-dApp )
- Install project packages (npm install)
- Start project (npm run start)
- To run tests from /test/TokenStaking (truffle test)
mocha testing output
TestToken deployment
✓ token deployed and has a name (246ms)
TokenStaking deployment
✓ staking contract deployed and has a name (160ms)
✓ checking default APY value (179ms)
✓ checking custom APY value (128ms)
✓ staking contract has 500k TestTokens tokens inside (176ms)
TokenStaking stakeTokens function
✓ users balance is correct before staking (126ms)
✓ checking total staked before any stakes (126ms)
✓ aproving tokens, staking tokens, checking balance (1259ms)
✓ checking contract balance after staking (156ms)
✓ checking user balance inside contract (131ms)
✓ checking total staked (136ms)
✓ testing if user is staking at the moment (148ms)
✓ testing if user has staked (145ms)
TokenStaking redistributeRewards function
✓ checking who can do redistribution (1059ms)
✓ checking TokenStaking balance (105ms)
✓ checking user balance (130ms)
TokenStaking unstakeTokens function
✓ unstaking and checking users balance after unstake (468ms)
✓ checking total staked (132ms)
TokenStaking [custom] staking/unstaking functions
✓ checking total custom staked before any stakes (132ms)
✓ checking usrs balance before staking (165ms)
✓ aproving tokens, staking tokens, checking balance (1131ms)
✓ checking custom total staked (125ms)
✓ testing if user is staking at custom staking at the moment (147ms)
✓ testing if user has staked at custom staking (107ms)
✓ unstaking from custom staking and checking users balance (535ms)
Claim Tst
✓ trying to obtain 1000 test token (395ms)
Change custom APY value
✓ checking who can change APY (1115ms)
✓ checking new custom APY value (146ms)
Testing custom APY reward redistribution
✓ staking at customStaking (1299ms)
✓ redistributing rewards, checking who can redistribute (733ms)
✓ checking user balance after custom APY rewards (111ms)
For private ethereum test network make sure Ganache is running on HTTP://
TokenStaking Smart Contract Address on Test Net
- Ropsten: Verified: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x0Fab2A018bB44DD2a6Ef7C55F057Dd9d9eC1B19F#contracts
- Rinkeby: Verified: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xAf9352B33E9B08A86dD04fcD8533DbC75BD2c8d1#contracts
TestToken Contract Address on Test Net
- Ropsten: Verified: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x0190f80487179053eb85451454541644AbAf4048#contracts
- Rinkeby: Verified: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0xb54039DAC3C4ADdAC082e86a6e9C290E80af9488#contracts
Current Admin on Test Net
- Ropsten, Rinkeby : 0x3349ca399168dF1c0df96a49410F5F9940241AbC