Qnotix is a Pub/Sub notification system written in Elixir based on just websockets implementation of Plug.Cowboy.
Qnotix is a topic-based system, highly resilient, each topic running within its own, independent, supervised processes.
The Pub side feeds events by HTML POST API. The Sub side is dispatching events as push-notifications to clients through websocket connection.
Both Pub and Sub sides depend and evolve on a named topic and its own port number.
The format of messages, JSON, is similar to that of ntfy. As Sub client, the ntfy Android app must be used, the flavor available on F-Droid, without Firebase.
Find more details at Qnotix documentation on Hexdocs.
This application (though slightly modified) is actually in production since March 2022 for a private surveillance company, serving more than 150 subscribers from 17 publishers.
Copy this repo via git clone https://github.com/huqedato/qnotix
or download it.
Alternatively, as a dependency, add qnotix
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:qnotix, "~> 1.0.0"}
Then run mix deps.get
Set application"s management port (backendPort), start port numbering for topics (wsStartPort) and event lifetime in days (msgDeadAfter) in runtime.exs
Launch server: iex -S mix
Register a new topic: Qnotix.newTopic(topic_name)
Launch a new topic on the desired port Qnotix.newTopic(topic_name, port)
Check the web management interface for supervising topics and ports, registering new topics, kill topics etc.
By example, considering the server running locally on port 4000 and a topic named myTopic on port 4111 one can:
- access web management interface:
- register a new topic:
- kill topic by name or port
- publish notification to myTopic by POST method to
- web page to publish mock notifications to all subscribers for myTopic on
Qnotix is only compatible and working with ntfy Android client app. The topic format/url is ws://host:port/topic_name/ws
. Ex: ws://
Kindly asking the Elixir community"s support for:
- development of a dedicated Android/IOS notification client for Qnotix
- improved documentation
- system extension for providing data streaming from 3rd party applications, services, or IoT devices (Nerves integration?)
- scalability testing on distributed environment - multiple Erlang nodes, clustering
- adding a security layer
As we lack expertise in mobile apps development we would greatly appreciate the Community"s involvement for development of a dedicated notification client for Android/IOS.
Copyright © 2022 Quda Theo
This software is released under AGPL-3.0-or-later.