Utility for watching file changes using Java 7 WatchService. Written to allow myself working with file matching and file watching that feels more natural to me.
You could find it useful as a library, or just read source for examples of using Java 7 WatchService.
Latest release is 0.2.0 but you can build the current SNAPSHOT with maven and use that.
Main.java is a general purpose tool for direct command line usage.
To use it, just download latest java-watcher-0.2.0-shaded.jar
from maven central
or sonatype oss
or build the project with maven and use the shaded jar from target folder.
Without parameter it will display help information
> java -jar java-watcher-0.2.0-shaded.jar
Usage: folder script [arguments]
--burstDelay=x - number of miliseconds to wait before sending changes
(some programs may generate more than one chenge event in very short time when writing a file)
--include=pattern - can be used multiple times, defines an include pattern
--include=pattern - can be used multiple times, defines an include pattern
--exclude=pattern - can be used multiple times, defines an include pattern
Example patterns
*.txt - all files ending with .txt in root folder
**.txt - all files ending with .txt in all folders
nice/*.txt - all files ending with .txt in fodler "nice"
nice/**.txt - all files ending with .txt in all subfolders of "nice"
nice/first.txt - exactly that file
Example usage example.bat and example script in php to catch the changes example.php
java -jar java-watcher-0.2.0-shaded.jar testFolder http://localhost/test/example.php --burstDelay=50 --include=**.txt --exclude=**.html --exclude=**.doc
Add maven dependency or download from maven central or download from sonatype oss
The library uses org.slf4j:slf4j-simple
for simple logging and you will likely will want to exclude it and use logback or log4j in your project.
SimpleCompileExample.java is an example showing how to compile sass file on change
// GlobWatcher implements AutoCloseable. Use it in try-with-resources or call .close() manually
try( GlobWatcher watcher = new GlobWatcher(Paths.get("./"), false) ){
// this one is configured for current folder without checking sub-folders (second param is false)
// if we do not define include rules, any file found will be accepted by the internal matcher
// and we are interested in .scss files only
watcher.includes("*.scss"); // this rule will match any .scss file directly in root folder
// init with intention to watch the files after that
// no configuration should happen after the init or it will give unexpected results
// after init you can request all files that were found and for example recompile
// everything before going to watch mode
// Collection<Path> matchedFiles = watcher.getMatchedFiles();
Collection<FileChangeEntry<FileMatchGlob>> changedFiles = watcher.takeOrNull();
if(changedFiles == null) break; // interrupted
for (FileChangeEntry<FileMatchGlob> changed : changedFiles) {
SimpleFindFiles.java is an e xample showing how to find files using {@link FileMatchGlob} by adding few include/exclude rules.
// create matcher on current folder also checking sub-folders
FileMatchGlob matcher = new FileMatchGlob(Paths.get("./"), true);
// if we do not define rules, then any file found will be accepted
// match any .scss file in root folder, and any .scss in subfolders
for(Path path :matcher.getMatched()){
System.out.println("found: " path);
ComplexCompileExample.java is a more complex example showing :
- how to compile sass file on change
- how to compile all main files when an include file changes.
- how to avoid redundant compilation when burst change occurs (some editors might triger more than one change event in few miliseconds time)
// tweak this depending how responsive you want to be, but to still catch some duplicate changes
long burstDelay = 20;
// for collecting files to compile, and to skip duplicates
HashSet<Path> todo = new HashSet<>();
// GlobWatcher implements AutoCloseable. Use it in try-with-resources or call .close() manually
try( GlobWatcher watcher = new GlobWatcher(Paths.get("./scss"), true) ){
// "**.scss" matches in all folders and subfolders
// create matcher on current folder without checking sub-folders for the source scss
FileMatchGlob sourceFiles = new FileMatchGlob(Paths.get("./"), false);
// if we do not define rules, then any file found will be accepted
// match any .scss file in root folder only
// add the additional matcher to listen for changes too
//start watching, no configuration should happen after this as it wil give unexpected results
Collection<FileChangeEntry<FileMatchGlob>> changedFiles = null;
changedFiles = watcher.takeBatch(burstDelay);
if(changedFiles == null) break; // interrupted
for (FileChangeEntry<FileMatchGlob> changed : changedFiles) {
if(changed.getMatcher() == sourceFiles){
// a source file changed, add only it for recompilation
// if any file in include folder changes, we want to recompile all source scss files
for(Path path: todo){
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).