Small 0.4kB focus trap that supports stacking, toggling, and dynamic content. Designed for Svelte but compatible with plain JavaScript or any framework.
Svelte example:
Vanilla example with TypeScript:
pnpm install trap-focus-svelte
Add directly to an element as an action.
If the element is removed, the trap and event listeners are destroyed automatically.
import { trapFocus } from 'trap-focus-svelte'
<div use:trapFocus>
<button>Inside trap</button>
<button>Inside trap</button>
<button>Outside trap</button>
You can also toggle the trap on they fly:
import { trapFocus } from 'trap-focus-svelte'
let active = true
const toggleTrap = () => (active = !active)
<div use:trapFocus={active}>
<button on:click={toggleTrap}>Toggle trap</button>
<button>Inside trap</button>
<button>Outside trap</button>
Import from trap-focus-svelte/vanilla
For an example of the demo site made without Svelte (with TypeScript / Vite) see this StackBlitz.
<div id="buttons">
<button>Inside trap</button>
<button>Inside trap</button>
<button>Outside trap</button>
import { trapFocus } from 'trap-focus-svelte/vanilla'
const buttons = document.getElementById('buttons')
// create trap (pass false as a second argument to start disabled)
const buttonTrap = trapFocus(buttons)
// toggle trap
// destory trap
If you have multiple traps active at the same time, the focus will be within the latest trap created or activated.
When that trap is destroyed or deactivated, the focus will work backwards down the chain, eventually restoring focus to the document.activeElement
at the time of the oldest trap's activation.