To use this script drop it into an "Editor" folder in your project
This script works with Unity Standard Shaders because the other render pipelines are a mess 0_0
Select one or more folders that contain pbr textures with a standard naming structure and use the folder method
|| or ||
Select some pbr textures then access the script using the Right Click menu
It will load the textures into the correct channels on the new material
To customize the script for your texture naming change the names of the strings with the comments
< if(item.name.Contains("Base_Color") || item.name.Contains("Albedo")) >
So if your albedo files are just named "Color" chage the "Base_Color" to "Color"
You can add as many words to match just add another ||
Do this with the rest of the channels
YEH YEH its still faster then without this script maaaaaaaaaaan