Easier distribution and development of Cython modules.
- Two distribution models: with C/C files included in the package, and without
- Cython modules are defined in
- Install directly from Cython sources, without installing Cython in the target
environment (Cython is only included in
$ pip install cython-setuptools
Here is an example Python package using the default distribution model (only Cython files are included in the source package).
First install the cython-setuptools
vendor module in the package, next to
$ cd your-python-project/
Then use cython_setuptools
' setup()
in your setup.py
from cython_setuptools import setup
Note that we keep the default cythonize=True
argument of setup()
meaning that C files are compiled from Cython files automatically.
would mean we would need to distribute the C/C files
compiled from Cython in the source package.
Define your Cython modules in setup.cfg
name = your-python-project
version = 1.0
packages = find:
install_requires = cython
dev = cython
include_dirs = include/
[cython-module: foo.bar]
sources = foo.pyx
include_dirs = eval(__import__('numpy').get_include())
language = c
cpp_std = 11
pkg_config_packages = opencv
Then your Cython modules can be compiled and tested in-place with:
$ python setup.py build_ext --inplace
This automatically compile outdated Cython files. If setup(cythonize=False)
is used, you have to specifically tell the setup to recompile outdated Cython
$ CYTHONIZE=1 python setup.py build_ext --inplace