This repository contains an updated and fixed version of the original implementation.
If you find this code useful please cite the original research paper.
title={BLT: Bidirectional Layout Transformer for Controllable Layout Generation},
author={Kong, Xiang and Jiang, Lu and Chang, Huiwen and Zhang, Han and Hao, Yuan and Gong, Haifeng and Essa, Irfan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.05112},
I'm planning to keep this updated and implement a Pytorch version, PRs are alway welcomed.
- Make use of newer implementation of Jax, Jaxlib and Flax
- Make use of orbax_checkpoint and optax
- Fix
function. - Remove some uncessary bits.
Start by cloning and installing the necessary libraries from requirements.txt
As the training is quite slow on CPU. It is highly recommended to setup a different environment in a GPU-supported device.
Here is my workflow on Google Colab
!git clone
!pip install --upgrade jax==0.4.16 jaxlib==0.4.16 cuda11.cudnn86 -f
!pip install clu flax orbax-checkpoint optax frozendict livelossplot
I haven't add a
yet, so the current training loop can be perform in a notebook instance.
from src.trainer import BERTLayoutTrainer
from src.utils import attribute_random_masking, get_publaynet_config
import jax.numpy as jnp
config = get_publaynet_config()
config.checkpoint_path = "your/check/point/path"
dataset_config = config.dataset
trainer = BERTLayoutTrainer(config=config, workdir='where/to/store')
Every para/hyperpara can be changed through the config
variable. It is recommended to take a look inside src/
and customize your training workflow as you see fit.
I haven't add a
yet, so the current decoding can be perform in a notebook instance.
from src.trainer import BERTLayoutTrainer
from src.dataset import LayoutDataset, PaddingCollator
from src.utils import attribute_random_masking, get_publaynet_config
from import DataLoader
from pathlib import Path
import orbax
import jax.numpy as jnp
config = get_publaynet_config()
dataset_config = config.dataset
trainer = BERTLayoutTrainer(config=config, workdir=None) #workdir is None, as we do not plan to train and save any model
To initiate model architecture
train_dataset = LayoutDataset('train',
config.dataset_path '/train.json',
val_dataset = LayoutDataset('validation',
config.dataset_path '/val.json',
collator = PaddingCollator(pad_token_id=train_dataset.pad_idx, seq_len=train_dataset.seq_len)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size,
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=config.eval_batch_size,
init_batch = jnp.ones((trainer.config.batch_size, train_dataset.seq_len))
init_label = jnp.ones((trainer.config.batch_size, train_dataset.seq_len))
init_batch = dict(inputs=init_batch, labels=init_label)
vocab_size = train_dataset.get_vocab_size()
state = trainer.create_train_state(rng = trainer.rng, inputs = init_batch, vocab_size=vocab_size)
To load a trained model
target = {'model':state, 'metric_history':dict, 'min_loss': float, 'epoch':int}
orbax_checkpointer = orbax.checkpoint.PyTreeCheckpointer()
checkpoint_path = Path('output/publaynet/best')
if checkpoint_path.exists() == False:
raise Exception(f"{checkpoint_path} does not exits!!")
ckpt = orbax_checkpointer.restore(checkpoint_path, item=target)
state = ckpt['model']
metric_history = ckpt['metric_history']
min_validation_loss = ckpt['min_loss']
start_epoch = ckpt['epoch']
print("Loaded epoch {} - Loss: {:.6f}".format(start_epoch, min_validation_loss))
Take a random batch from validation set
vocab_size = train_dataset.get_vocab_size()
# Position of key tokens
pos_info = [[train_dataset.offset_class, train_dataset.number_classes],
[train_dataset.offset_width, train_dataset.resolution_w],
[train_dataset.offset_height, train_dataset.resolution_h],
[train_dataset.offset_center_x, train_dataset.resolution_w],
[train_dataset.offset_center_y, train_dataset.resolution_h]]
seq_len = train_dataset.seq_len
possible_logit, offset = trainer._make_possible_mask(vocab_size=vocab_size,
for data in val_dataloader:
batch = attribute_random_masking(data, mask_token=train_dataset.mask_idx,
pad_token=train_dataset.pad_idx, layout_dim=trainer.layout_dim)
Call your decoder
from src.decoder import LayoutDecoder
vocab_size = train_dataset.get_vocab_size()
seq_len = train_dataset.seq_len
layout_dim = config.layout_dim
color_map = train_dataset.COLORS
id_to_label = train_dataset.ID_TO_LABEL
resolution_w = train_dataset.resolution_w
resolution_h = train_dataset.resolution_h
decoder = LayoutDecoder(vocab_size, seq_len, layout_dim,
id_to_label, color_map,
resolution_w, resolution_h, temperature=1.0)
decoder.model = state
seq = decoder.decode(state, batch["masked_inputs"], possible_logit)
index = 16
true_layout = batch["targets"][index]
generated = seq[index][-1]
mask = batch["weights"][index]
decoder.render_two_layouts(true_layout, generated, mask, offset)
- As FLAX is still an experimental framework. Settings up framework might fails as out-dated version of FLAX might be remove off the internet.
- This repo does not contain parallel training. As I used Google Colab GPU instance, multi GPU support will be added if there is enough requests.
- BLT work on the format of
[class, width, height, center_x, center_y]
. I might switch it to[class, width, height, x, y]
are the coordinate of the top-left corner. This would be better for downstream task and more compatable with other dataset.