Repository to host GStreamer plugins for TI's EdgeAI class of devices
The project can be either be built natively in the board, or cross compiled from a host PC.
# Load the PSDKR path
# Customize build for your SDK
PKG_CONFIG_PATH='' crossbuild/environment $PSDKR_PATH > aarch64-none-linux-gnu.ini
# Configure and build the project
PKG_CONFIG_PATH='' meson build --cross-file aarch64-none-linux-gnu.ini --cross-file crossbuild/crosscompile.ini
ninja -C build
DESTDIR=$PSDKR_PATH/targetfs ninja install
meson build --prefix=/usr -Dpkg_config_path=pkgconfig
ninja -C build
ninja -C build test
ninja -C build install
You can delete the GStreamer registry cache if the new elements are not found using gst-inspect and build a new one
rm -rf ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/registry.aarch64.bin
#Build Docker container
cd /opt/edgeai-gst-apps/docker
cd /opt/edgeai-gst-apps
#Build the tiovx modules
cd /opt/edgeai-tiovx-modules/build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
make install
#Build the GStreamer plugin (same as native build)
meson build --prefix=/usr -Dpkg_config_path=pkgconfig
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install
#Test plugin is loaded correctly
gst-inspect-1.0 tiovx
gst-inspect-1.0 ti
These are plugins which internally uses TIOVX (TI's implementation of OpenVX). These plugins are compiled for devices which have OpenVX support. Eg: TDAV4M,AM68A,AM69A,AM62A etc.
root@tda4vm-sk:~# gst-inspect-1.0 tiovx
Plugin Details:
Name tiovx
Description GStreamer plugin for TIOVX
Filename /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
Version 0.7.0
License Proprietary
Source module GstTIOVX
Binary package GstTIOVX source release
Origin URL
tiovxsdeviz: TIOVX SdeViz
tiovxsde: TIOVX Sde
tiovxdofviz: TIOVX DofViz
tiovxdof: TIOVX DOF
tiovxcolorconvert: TIOVX ColorConvert
tiovxdlcolorblend: TIOVX DL ColorBlend
tiovxdlcolorconvert: TIOVX DL ColorConvert
tiovxmemalloc: TIOVX Mem Alloc
tiovxdelay: TIOVX Delay
tiovxpyramid: TIOVX Pyramid
tiovxmux: TIOVX Mux
tiovxmultiscaler: TIOVX MultiScaler
tiovxmosaic: TIOVX Mosaic
tiovxldc: TIOVX LDC
tiovxisp: TIOVX ISP
tiovxdemux: TIOVX Demux
16 features:
-- 16 elements
Extended Documentation |
GstTIOVXDLColorConvert |
GstTIOVXMultiScaler |
GstTIOVXMosaic |
These are the arm-only plugins which internally uses Arm NEON optimized kernels. This plugins can be built on any device with gstreamer support. Eg: AM62X.
root@tda4vm-sk:~# gst-inspect-1.0 ti
Plugin Details:
Name ti
Description GStreamer plugin for TI devices
Filename /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
Version 0.7.0
License Proprietary
Source module GstTIOVX
Binary package GstTIOVX source release
Origin URL
ticolorconvert: TI Color Convert
tidlinferer: TI DL Inferer
tidlpostproc: TI DL PostProc
tidlpreproc: TI DL PreProc
timosaic: TI Mosaic
tiperfoverlay: TI Perf Overlay
tiscaler: TI Scaler
7 features:
-- 7 elements
Extended Documentation |
GstTIColorConvert |
GstTIDLInferer |
GstTIDLPostProc |
GstTIDLPreProc |
GstTIMosaic |
GstTIPerfOverlay |
GstTIScaler |