- Title: particle fire simulation
- Description : particle fire simulation C graphics program. The program creates a SDL API driven graphic display in a window. For Linux based OS .
cd ~/Downloads
curl -L -O https://github.com/gavinlyonsrepo/particle_fire_simulation/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd particle_fire_simulation-master
- run 'make' to build
- Exe file made at ./Bin/pfsim
- run 'make help' for all the other options in make file including in install.
pfsim [arguments]
pfsim 800 600 5000 7 1000
Arguments list
Number | Name | Default value | Notes |
1 | width Resolution | 800 | width of SDL window |
2 | height Resolution | 600 | height of SDL window |
3 | number Of Particles | 5000 | |
4 | RGB bits | 7 | 1 - 6 to turn off red green or blue color , b100 = Red only |
5 | Number of loop counts | 1000 |
A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard