I am a Computer Science PhD student at the National University of Singapore. My current research focuses on security and privacy issues and novel use-cases for active sensors (LIDARs, time-of-flight sensors, etc).
You can find my research here and more about my teaching here.
- I like working on programming languages like this Singlish-based one and understanding the quirks of other languages.
- I try to find ways to do social good using code, such as this blood stock tracker for Singapore (with over 2 years of data) and my research project to find hidden cameras using just a smartphone.
- I also enjoy making productivity tools such as this module/timetable optimizer, a Chrome extension to see relevant discussions based on the webpage you"re on, and a animation automation tool for Google Slides.
- I make teaching tools when possible such as this plagiarism checker and the beginnings of an operating system for teaching puposes.
- I"ve made a few collaborative and experimental games.
- When possible, I try to find real-world cases for timing-sensitive distributed systems like this marathon timing controller.
- In general, I have a wide range of random interests such as building gift-giving games through Hamiltonian cycles, group formation with genetic algorithms, formal proofs using TLA+, etc.