DVD Store is based on the The Dell DVD Store 2 ( https://linux.dell.com/files/dvdstore/ ), which is an open source simulation of an online e-commerce site with different SQL implementations.
Aim: This repo recreates the small size database from the original for learning purposes.
There are two ways to install. The file paths are written assuming you are in the mysql
- Using
mysql -u <username> -p <password> < ds2_schema.sql
mysql -u <username> -p <password> ds2 < ds2_data.sql
Sometimes, if mysql information schema doesn't register the new tables properly. Please run the following command to update information_schema
with the new tables information.
analyze table <each table name>;
- Using
mysqlsh -u <username> -p <password>
Once inside the mysqlsh
util.loadDump("./ds2", {threads: 4})
This should take much less time to install than the mysql
To a folder using mysqlsh
util.dumpSchemas(["ds2"],"ds2", {threads: 1, bytesPerChunk: "200M"})
Schema SQL using mysqldump
mysqldump -u <username> --single-transaction --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --no-data --routines --databases ds2 --result-file ds2_schema.sql
Data SQL using mysqldump
mysqldump --no-create-db --no-create-info --single-transaction --complete-insert --extended-insert=FALSE --flush-logs -u <username> ds2 > ds2_data.sql
Install the Database import from SQL file but first change the name in the SQL file from dbowner
to an existing user or to `postgres' which is the default user.
psql -h localhost -U <username> -d postgres -f ds2dump.sql
Database export to SQL
pg_dump -h localhost -U remo -d ds2 -c -C -S ds2u -f ds2dump.sql
Database export to folder
pg_dump -h localhost -U remo -d ds2 -c -C -Fd -f dss
Database Comparison between mysql & postgresql
'" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `',
'` UNION '
WHERE table_schema = 'ds2';
mysql> SELECT "categories" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`categories` UNION
SELECT "cust_hist" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`cust_hist` UNION
SELECT "customers" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`customers` UNION
SELECT "inventory" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`inventory` UNION
SELECT "orderlines" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`orderlines` UNION
SELECT "orders" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`orders` UNION
SELECT "products" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`products` UNION
SELECT "reorder" AS table_name, COUNT(*) AS exact_row_count FROM `ds2`.`reorder`;
------------ -----------------
| table_name | exact_row_count |
------------ -----------------
| categories | 16 |
| cust_hist | 60350 |
| customers | 20000 |
| inventory | 10000 |
| orderlines | 60350 |
| orders | 12000 |
| products | 10000 |
| reorder | 0 |
------------ -----------------
8 rows in set (1.67 sec)
ds2-# SELECT nspname, proname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc ON pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid WHERE nspname = 'public';
schemaname | relname | n_live_tup
------------ ------------ ------------
public | categories | 16
public | cust_hist | 60350
public | customers | 20000
public | inventory | 10000
public | orderlines | 60350
public | orders | 12000
public | products | 10000
public | reorder | 0
(8 rows)