This project is a part of the Flutter Web Responsive UI Showcase The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the core functionality of the Flutter Web
- Build with Flutter 3.7.0
- Supports both mobile and web platforms
- Supports routing for web and mobile
- Uses dummyapi as a data source
- Uses Firebase for a hosting
- Uses Sentry for error tracking
- Uses Codemagic for CI/CD
Web page which showcases the core functionality of the app with all screens developed yet.
- Clone the project
$ git clone
- Go to the project folder
$ cd flutter_web_responsive_showcase
- Install dependencies
$ flutter pub get
- Proceed with the Firebase setup
$ flutterfire configure
- Create config.json file in the assets folder at the root of the project with the followed contents:
$ touch assets/config.json
config.json file content:
"apiDomain": "domain for the",
"apiKey": "your api key here",
"dsn": "your dsn from"
- Run the app
$ flutter run
- Create a new project in the Firebase
- Build the app for the web
- run the following command and proceed with the setup for only hosting
$ firebase init
- select build/web as a public directory
- run the following command to deploy the app
$ firebase deploy --only hosting --token <your_token>
- Create a new project if you don't have one in the Sentry
- Add environment variables SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN, SENTRY_ORG and SENTRY_PROJECT with proper values
- Run the following command
$ sentry-cli releases new <release_name>, 2023