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5. Commands

Emrah KONDUR edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 2 revisions


Add column commands to table in a variety of ways.

cols.Command(a => a.Name, "onClick").Title("Link");
cols.Command(a => a.Name, "onClick", "Click").Title("Link");
cols.Command(a => a.Id, "onClick", "Click", "glyphicon glyphicon-edit").Title("Edit");
cols.Command(a => a.Id, "onClick", "Click", "glyphicon glyphicon-edit", "btn btn-danger btn-xs").Title("Edit");
function onClick(e) {


Add button groups as a commands.

cols.Commands(a => a.Id, new[] { new Command("Update", "onUpdate"), new Command("Delete", "onDelete") }, "Reports").Title("Actions");
cols.Commands(a => a.Id, new[] { new Command("Excel", "onDelete"), new Command("Pdf", "onUpdate") }, "Reports", "", "", "glyphicon glyphicon-export").Title("Export");
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