Intended for editing STEP models, removing/adding of selected features from the model
- Features a set of tools to edit a Shape or a STEP model, removing hole(s), face(s), simplifying the model, changing the tolerance, applying Fuzzy Boolean operations etc...
- Tools to create more solid shape(s), from edge(s), face(s) or shell(s).
- Possiblity using direct modeling of the model, when the history of operations is unavailable. (This is the case for 3D STEP models).
- Useful in situations to quickly remove proprietary details of the model before sharing it. See Defeaturing
- More details at
- FreeCAD v0.15 r4671
- FreeCAD v0.16 >= r6712
- FreeCAD v0.17 >= r13522
- FreeCAD v0.18
- Recommended: OCCT v7.3.0 or greater
Install via the FreeCAD Addon Manager
- v1.1: Improve README typo fixes
- v1.0.1: Initial version
- Defeaturing tools: Maurice @easyw