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Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
Example of using nixpkgs to build a moderncv resume
Generate Nix packages from URLs with hash prefetching, dependency inference, license detection, and more [maintainer=@figsoda]
Modules to help you handle persistent state on systems with ephemeral root storage [maintainer=@talyz]
Declarative disk partitioning and formatting using nix [maintainers=@Lassulus @Enzime @iFreilicht]
Collection of image builders [maintainer=@Lassulus]
An unofficial WhatsApp desktop application for Linux.
macOS only: free add-on to your Doxie Go Doxie Q Doxie Flip to enable additional features and to speed up the work
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments
Dev environments for numerous languages based on Nix flakes [maintainer=@lucperkins]
Process Compose is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to manage non-containerized applications.
Configure Neovim with Nix! [maintainers=@GaetanLepage, @traxys, @mattsturgeon, @khaneliman]
😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox]
🔹Automatically populate the entities-list of lovelace cards
Declaratively deploy your Kubernetes manifests, Kustomize configs, and Charts as Helm releases. Generate all-in-one manifests for use with ArgoCD.