This is just a typed version of these notes, generated during perf discussions on summer of 2023. Can be used as a reference point.
- OCaml
- Scala
- C#
- Rust
- LOH allocations
- Build does too much for deltas
- GC Gen 2
- Script start up CLI
- Build on Linux & Mac
- Glitches in test discovery
- Edit & test workflow
- Edit & run workflow
- Edit & check workflow
- Unnecessary rebuilds
- Stamp overflow
- Non-deterministic
- Memory leaks
- Infinite loops
- Stay resident compiler
- Permission elevation
- Benchmarking
- Squigglies
- Colorization
- Debug
- Press dot
- Incremental parsing file
- Incremental checking file
- Incremental optimization for deltas
- Cascading DLL builds
- Incremental DLL builds
- Incremental ILxGen for deltas
- Incremental assembly generation
- Incremental PDB generation for deltas
- Community leadership
- Community enablement for tool performance
- Performance acceptance criteria
- Performance running
- Docs for tooling performance