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Common Lisp system for generating and parsing of OpenSSH keys


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cl-ssh-keys is a Common Lisp system, which provides the following features.

  • Decode OpenSSH public keys as defined in RFC 4253, section 6.6.
  • Decode OpenSSH private private keys as defined in PROTOCOL.key
  • Generate new private/public key pairs in OpenSSH compatible binary format.



Clone the cl-ssh-keys repo in your Quicklisp local-projects directory.

git clone

Load the system.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :cl-ssh-keys)

Supported Key Types

The following public and private key pairs can be decoded, encoded and generated by cl-ssh-keys.

Type Status
RSA Supported
DSA Supported
ED25519 Supported
ECDSA Supported

In addition to the public keys listed above the following certificate key types are supported.

Type Status
[email protected] Supported
[email protected] Supported
[email protected] Supported
[email protected] Supported
[email protected] Supported
[email protected] Supported


The following section provides various examples showing you how to decode, encode, and generate new OpenSSH private and public key pairs.

For additional examples, make sure to check the test suite.

Public keys

A public key can be parsed from a given string using the SSH-KEYS:PARSE-PUBLIC-KEY function, or from a file using the SSH-KEYS:PARSE-PUBLIC-KEY-FILE function.

The public key may be a regular public key (e.g. RSA, DSA, etc.), or it could be an OpenSSH Certificate Key.

CL-USER> (defparameter *public-key*
           (ssh-keys:parse-public-key-file #P"~/.ssh/"))

You can retrieve the comment associated with a public key by using the SSH-KEYS:KEY-COMMENT accessor.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-comment *public-key*)

The key kind can be retrieved using SSH-KEYS:KEY-KIND.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-kind *public-key*)

The number of bits for a key can be retrieved using the SSH-KEYS:KEY-BITS generic function, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-bits *public-key*)

SSH-KEYS:WITH-PUBLIC-KEY and SSH-KEYS:WITH-PUBLIC-KEY-FILE are convenient macros when working with public keys, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-public-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/")
           (format t "Comment: ~a~%" (ssh-keys:key-comment key))
           (format t "MD5 fingerprint: ~a~%" (ssh-keys:fingerprint :md5 key))
           (format t "Number of bits: ~a~%" (ssh-keys:key-bits key)))
Comment: john.doe@localhost
MD5 fingerprint: 04:02:4b:b2:43:39:a4:8e:89:47:49:6f:30:78:94:1e
Number of bits: 3072

Private keys

A private keys can be parsed using the SSH-KEYS:PARSE-PRIVATE-KEY function, which takes a string representing a private key in OpenSSH private key format, or you can use the SSH-KEYS:PARSE-PRIVATE-KEY-FILE function, e.g.

CL-USER> (defparameter *private-key*
           (ssh-keys:parse-private-key-file #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa"))

Key kind, comment and number of bits can be retrieved using SSH-KEYS:KEY-KIND, SSH-KEYS:KEY-COMMENT and SSH-KEYS:KEY-BITS, similarly to the way you would for public keys, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-kind *private-key*)
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-comment *private-key*)
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:key-bits *private-key*)

OpenSSH private keys embed the public key within the binary blob of the private key. From a private key you can get the embedded public key using SSH-KEYS:EMBEDDED-PUBLIC-KEY, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:embedded-public-key *private-key*)

You can also use the SSH-KEYS:WITH-PRIVATE-KEY and SSH-KEYS:WITH-PRIVATE-KEY-FILE macros when working with private keys.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa")
           (format t "Comment: ~a~%" (ssh-keys:key-comment key))
           (format t "MD5 fingerprint: ~a~%" (ssh-keys:fingerprint :md5 key)))
Comment: john.doe@localhost
MD5 fingerprint: 04:02:4b:b2:43:39:a4:8e:89:47:49:6f:30:78:94:1e

Encrypted keys

In order to parse an encrypted private key you need to provide a passphrase, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa" :passphrase "my-secret-password")
           (ssh-keys:key-cipher-name key))

Changing passphrase of an encrypted key

The passphrase for an encrypted private key can be changed by setting a new value for the passphrase using the SSH-KEYS:KEY-PASSPHRASE accessor.

This example changes the passphrase for a given key and saves it on the filesystem.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa" :passphrase "OLD-PASSPHRASE")
           (setf (ssh-keys:key-passphrase key) "MY-NEW-PASSPHRASE")
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path key #P"~/.id_rsa-new-passphrase"))

Setting passphrase for an existing un-encrypted key

In order to set a passphrase for an existing un-encrypted private key, simply set a passphrase using the SSH-KEYS:KEY-PASSPHRASE accessor, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa")
           (setf (ssh-keys:key-passphrase key) "my-secret-password")
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path key #P"~/.id_rsa-encrypted"))

Removing passphrase of an encrypted key

You can remove the passphrase of a private key and make it un-encrypted by setting the passphrase to nil.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa" :passphrase "PASSPHRASE")
           (setf (ssh-keys:key-passphrase key) nil)
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path key #P"~/.id_rsa-unencrypted"))

Changing the cipher of an encrypted key

The cipher to be used for encryption of a private key can be set by using the SSH-KEYS:KEY-CIPHER-NAME accessor. The value should be one of the known and supported ciphers as returned by SSH-KEYS:GET-ALL-CIPHER-NAMES.

First, list the known cipher names.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:get-all-cipher-names)
("3des-cbc" "aes128-cbc" "aes192-cbc" "aes256-cbc" "aes128-ctr" "aes192-ctr" "aes256-ctr" "none")

Then set a new cipher.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa" :passphrase "PASSPHRASE")
           (setf (ssh-keys:key-cipher-name key) "3des-cbc")
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path key #P"~/.id_rsa-3des-cbc"))

Changing the KDF number of iterations

By default ssh-keygen(1) and cl-ssh-keys will use 16 rounds of iterations in order to produce an encryption key. You can set this to a higher value, if needed, which would help against brute-force attacks.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:with-private-key-file (key #P"~/.ssh/id_rsa" :passphrase "PASSPHRASE")
           (setf (ssh-keys:key-kdf-rounds key) 32)
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path key #P"~/.id_rsa-stronger"))


Key fingerprints can be generated using the SSH-KEYS:FINGERPRINT generic function.

The following examples show how to generate the SHA-256, SHA-1 and MD5 fingerprints of a given public key.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:fingerprint :sha256 *public-key*)
"VmYpd 5gvA5Cj57ZZcI8lnFMNNic6jpnnBd0WoNG1F8"
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:fingerprint :sha1 *public-key*)
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:fingerprint :md5 *public-key*)

Fingerprints of private keys are computed against the embedded public key.

Writing Keys

A public and private key can be written in its text representation using the SSH-KEYS:WRITE-KEY generic function.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:write-key *public-key*)
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCsngzCcay lQ 34qUeUSH2m1ZYW9B0a2rxpMmvYFcOyL/hRPJwv8XO89T0 HQIZRC xlM3BSqdFGs B58MYXPvo3H p00CJN8tUjvC3VD74kiXSNxIyhBpKCY1s58RxnWS/6bPQIYfnCVBiQZnkNe1T3isxND1Y71TnbSz5QN2xBkAtiGPH0dPM89yWbZpTjTCaIOfyZn2fBBsmp0zUgEJ7o9W9Lrxs1f0Pn bZ4PqFSEUzlub7mAQ RpwgGeLeWIFz o6KQJPFiuRgzQU6ZsY wjorVefzgeqpRiWGw/bEyUDck09B4B0IWoTtIiKRzd635nOo7Lz/1XgaMZ60WZD9T/labEWcKmtp4Y7NoCkep0DyYyoAgWrco4FD1r0g4WcVbsJQt8HzRy9UaHlh6YPY/xkk0bSiljpygEiT48FxniqE 6HY 7SbC1wz5QThY UsIiDgFcg3BljskfT8Il3hateXI2wEXqww4 a DxcHzypclYorbQKUzdzNLZRBNk= john.doe@localhost

Another example, this time using a private key.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:write-key *private-key*)
zvPU9Ph0CGUQvsZTNwUqnRRrPgefDGFz76Nx/qdNAiTfLVI7wt1Q  JIl0jcSMoQaSgmNb
OfEcZ1kv mz0CGH5wlQYkGZ5DXtU94rMTQ9WO9U520s UDdsQZALYhjx9HTzPPclm2aU40
wmiDn8mZ9nwQbJqdM1IBCe6PVvS68bNX9D5/m2eD6hUhFM5bm 5gEPkacIBni3liBc/qOi
kCTxYrkYM0FOmbGPsI6K1Xn84HqqUYlhsP2xMlA3JNPQeAdCFqE7SIikc3et ZzqOy8/9V
emD2P8ZJNG0opY6coBIk PBcZ4qhPuh2Pu0mwtcM UE4WPlLCIg4BXINwZY7JH0/CJd4Wr
EAAAGBAKyeDMJxrL6VD7fipR5RIfabVlhb0HRravGkya9gVw7Iv FE8nC/xc7z1PT4dAhl
EL7GUzcFKp0Uaz4Hnwxhc  jcf6nTQIk3y1SO8LdUPviSJdI3EjKEGkoJjWznxHGdZL/ps
9Ahh cJUGJBmeQ17VPeKzE0PVjvVOdtLPlA3bEGQC2IY8fR08zz3JZtmlONMJog5/JmfZ8
EGyanTNSAQnuj1b0uvGzV/Q f5tng oVIRTOW5vuYBD5GnCAZ4t5YgXP6jopAk8WK5GDNB
P VpsRZwqa2nhjs2gKR6nQPJjKgCBatyjgUPWvSDhZxVuwlC3wfNHL1RoeWHpg9j/GSTRt
NIINvnO3Jv4HGNtXOXwSd5pbOxe9Z TEBgDVqVRV8trfCkb8MBNQ9h6lr32uJqbdzyqh14
jnUBK3ueHN5SyIxuH1RdtM3bDSZ47YScfSivoVfn hdbXDdzNei4cb8RZzXJ3/505ZU8Ww
GAlpkFs/2v2qy6tc1H7j703RsrlJtXvLQ2fUGVXdZflMSlX1te T KM5T1unUS5fPFWfLj
U bQK7KkY48ILVQkrFLGg 8Wj77MTS3AGmQ2MnHzaK0 Cd HAqUfRIDZZgG/5/T8nIsra/
9AG2ZIvOTSZsLqht4TkfZnp6hJm MKmpJ9F40NnzGtYNso6GD/aqkDxubKf4uoOEW9cbOO
oEROgfGHnhnUd7mGbwUF/K0KnYJUMlV0W8Jfz94E7 cQiqgvvWD2JZcuvXP5Dg89whsFFy
pinpkrWe8gDmqo/LKzAEBIFAuNVarD7/cIKTpW pdo7WfnYsXqTgyZ5NO8IwkTXho6NTRI
s/Z7o7UCXX2XnUcQxWOv L5aw7w4dBdNZpN7XBQCOfOo32SDpQAAAAwQDYmJZrTrb5w5N 
o/j9nhcrY1ZbJNUbpx1lrV/r1GCGX0f3l2ztjjzyttP WEggPypMB5BC S6d67PEJeI988
OanzMx/r37tfFbMMtE5YNx1BwyL1Z1x/KYugReibWclHBAa b TCFSfJyf1I5NABsgjQ2h
4uVy1pRWcly4Cfu0NWRJo23waTzvODPWjUz1EFIcytpKvYxwbcvYOVEY5ie9 oXhVxNm6U

The SSH-KEYS:WRITE-KEY generic function takes an optional stream parameter, so you can write your keys to a given stream, if needed.

CL-USER> (with-open-file (out #P"my-rsa-public-key" :direction :output)
           (ssh-keys:write-key *public-key* out))

SSH-KEYS:WRITE-KEY-TO-PATH is a convenience function you can use to write keys to a given path, e.g.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path (key #P"my-rsa-public-key")

Generating new private/public key pairs

The SSH-KEYS:GENERATE-KEY-PAIR generic function creates a new private/public key pair of a given kind.

The generated keys are identical with what ssh-keygen(1) would produce and you can use them to authenticate to remote systems.

The following example creates an RSA private/public key pair, and saves the keys on the file system.

CL-USER> (multiple-value-bind (priv-key pub-key) (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :rsa)
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path priv-key #P"~/.ssh/my-priv-rsa-key")
           (ssh-keys:write-key-to-path pub-key #P"~/.ssh/"))

The following example generates DSA private/public key pairs.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :dsa)

This example shows how to generate Ed25519 private/public key pairs.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :ed25519)

ECDSA keys can be generated using NIST P-256, NIST P-384 or NIST P-521 curves. The following examples show how to create 256, 384 and 521 bit ECDSA keys.

CL-USER> (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :ecdsa-nistp256)
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :ecdsa-nistp384)
CL-USER> (ssh-keys:generate-key-pair :ecdsa-nistp521)


Tests are provided as part of the cl-ssh-keys.test system.

The following Common Lisp implementations have been tested and are known to work.

In order to run the tests you can evaluate the following expressions.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :cl-ssh-keys.test)
CL-USER> (asdf:test-system :cl-ssh-keys.test)

Or you can run the tests in a Docker container instead.

First, build the Docker image.

docker build -t cl-ssh-keys .

Run the tests.

docker run --rm cl-ssh-keys


cl-ssh-keys is hosted on Github. Please contribute by reporting issues, suggesting features or by sending patches using pull requests.



This project is Open Source and licensed under the BSD License.