Go logger implements logger for Golang, current implementation is majorly inspired by Python logger.
go get github.com/dl1998/go-logging
go install github.com/dl1998/[email protected]
Check examples provided in the examples.
Logger supports 11 logging levels 2 (when not set):
- All (special level, cannot be used for logging)
- Trace
- Debug
- Verbose
- Info
- Notice
- Warning
- Severe
- Error
- Alert
- Critical
- Emergency
- Null (special level, cannot be used for logging)
Default logger could be used like in the following example:
- Standard logger
logger.Warning("Message for logging: %s.", "my message")
- Structured logger
structuredlogger.Warning("message", "My message.")
"message": "My message.",
By default, root logger prints on console only, and starting from Warning level. It could be changed by setting logging level:
- Standard logger
- Structured logger
After changing log level to "All" it will print messages for any level.
You could also change the format of the default structured logger by setting the format (default: json).
Alternatively you could create application logger. To do this you would need to create a new logger.
- Standard logger
applicationLogger := logger.New("application-logger")
- Structured logger
applicationStructuredLogger := structuredlogger.New("application-logger")
After this you need to set up it, for this create a new formatter that says how to log the message by providing a template.
- Standard logger
applicationFormatter := formatter.New("%(isotime) [%(level)] %(message)")
Structured logger
- JSON format
applicationFormatter := formatter.NewJSON(map[string]string{ "time": "%(timestamp)", "level": "%(level)", }, false)
- Key-Value format
applicationFormatter := formatter.NewKeyValue(map[string]string{ "time": "%(timestamp)", "level": "%(level)", }, "=", " ")
After creation of the formatter, you need to create a new handler that tells where to write log messages.
There are three predefined types of handler (for standard and structured logger each):
- Console Handler - it takes log level starting from which it would log messages, log level till which it would log messages, and formatter that tells how to log message. It logs messages to standard output.
newConsoleHandler := handler.NewConsoleHandler(level.Debug, level.Null, applicationFormatter)
- Console Error Handler - it takes log level starting from which it would log messages, log level till which it would log messages, and formatter that tells how to log message. It logs messages to error output.
newConsoleErrorHandler := handler.NewConsoleErrorHandler(level.Debug, level.Null, applicationFormatter)
- File Handler - it takes log level starting from which it would log messages, log level till which it would log messages, formatter that tells how to log message, and path to the file where to log those data.
newFileHandler := handler.NewFileHandler(level.Debug, level.Null, applicationFormatter, "system.log")
You could create your custom handler:
customHandler := handler.New(level.Debug, level.Null, applicationFormatter, os.Stdout)
It takes two additional arguments writer for standard messages and for error messages. Standard message logs till "Error" level, after this error writer is used.
After handler has been created it shall be registered.
Now it could be used to log the message, simply by calling respective level of logging and providing message with arguments.
- Standard logger
applicationLogger.Info("My message: %s.", "logged using application logger")
Structured logger
- Varargs
applicationLogger.Info("message", "Logged using structured logger with varargs.")
- Map
applicationLogger.Info(map[string]string{ "message": "Logged using structured logger with map.", })