The simple-php-translation
is a simple solution for adding
translations to your PHP apps.
composer require diversen/simple-php-translation
If you want to use google auto translate, require the following:
composer require google/cloud-translate
Translations are placed in files named:
E.g. inside your app test_app
The language.php
file could consist of this:
$LANG = array ();
$LANG["Welcome to my blog"] = "Welcome to my blog";
A Danish translation could be found in:
And this language.php
could consist of:
$LANG = array ();
$LANG["Welcome to my blog"] = "Velkommen til min blog";
use Diversen\Lang;
$l = new Lang();
// Most often all translations are placed in a single folder
// But you can also set dirs, and look for language files inside multiple language dirs:
// $l->setDirsInsideDir("modules/");
// load language. E.g. danish ("da")
// $l->loadLanguage("da");
// Or english
// e.g. test_app/lang/da/language.php
// now all language files are loaded, and we can translate
// simple
use Diversen\Lang;
echo Lang::translate("Here is a text");
// with substitution and a span to indicate that a part of a string should not be translated
echo Lang::translate("User with ID <span class="notranslate">{ID}</span> has been locked!", array ("ID" => $id))
This will extract all Lang::translate
calls, and add new values to translation files.
use Diversen\Translate\Extractor;
// same pattern as above for extraction
$e = new Extractor();
$e->defaultLanguage ="en"; // which language will we extract to
// Most often you will just use a single dir. Like this
// Set multiple dirs, like this:
// This will create translation folders in e.g. modules/blog, modules/account
// $e->setDirsInsideDir("modules/");
call only add new strings found in the source, and remove strings that are removed from the source. It also knows if you have changed the value of a translation key, then it will leave the value as it is. It only updates the translation files, when a new key value is found.
You will need to setup google cloud translation:
Then require the composer package google/cloud-translate
composer require google/cloud-translate
Remember to export the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or you will not be able to run the script.
// same pattern as above for google auto translation.
use Diversen\Translate\GoogleTranslate;
include_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// Google translator needs this. Substitue with path to your own .json file
$t = new GoogleTranslate();
$t->target = "da"; // danish
$t->source = "en";
// Or set multiple dirs like this:
// This will create translation folders in e.g. modules/blog, modules/account
// $e->setDirsInsideDir("modules/");
Inside the test_app/ directory, there is a small php app consisting of
one PHP file: test_app/index.php. There is also included javascript
in this file. The javascript Lang.translate
method will also be extracted when using
the Extractor
The Javascript file test_app/js/lang.js will do the translation.
Start the app:
php -S localhost:8000 -t test_app
Visit http://localhost:8000
You can also test the danish translation at:
I there is no translations then any string will get the "NT: " (Not Translated) prefix.
You can test this by removing the en
language file directory:
rm -rf test_app/lang/en
Extract the english translation en
using the script
php test/extract.php
Reload the browser.
Now all translation are loaded from a file and the prefix "NT: " is removed.
There is also a small script for translating into danish (da
In order to use this script, you will need to setup a google service account
Then change this part of the script:
Now you can run:
php test/google_translate.php
The translation will look like this: test_app/lang/da/language.php
Finally there is test/to_js.php script which translates into js module exports, which then can be loaded and translated by the EMS module test_app/js/lang.js
MIT © Dennis Iversen