External libraries dependencies are cfitsio and opencv: Download the code from official webpage and build libraries in local machine. Compress the outcome files and upload them to a ftp server. Take from there using wget and put in lib directory.
//to run the makefile, go to makefiles folder make -f makefile
//to run in the console g -o hello -L/mnt/project/lib -I/mnt/project/include HelloWorld.cpp -lopencv_core -Wl,-rpath=/mnt/project/lib
//for the makefile gcc -o foo foo.c -L$(prefix)/lib -lfoo -Wl,-rpath=$(prefix)/lib
###Rules to build the entire project, first go to makefiles folder and then type: make -f makefile all
###To clean the objects before rebuild the project: make clean
//To commit and add files to the repository do the following: //#1 Clean binaries to make sure it only commit changes to modules make clean
//#2 Add new, deleted, and modified files to stage git add -A
//Ctrl X: to exit from nano editor from terminal
//#2 Add files commit to local git commit -a -m "Commit message goes here"
//#3 Push your commit/messages to the host (github) git push