sensible defaults for ALE and enjoy an intuitive asynchronous linter and autocomplete out of the box.
The first time, I installed ALE, I uninstalled it right away. ALE is mighty but its power is hidden behind subpar defaults and a unintuitive, stuttery, laggy UI. It's just a few settings to change but it took me a day crawling through helpfiles and Github issues to find the right ones and then, cluttering my .vimrc/init.vim with odd lines for ALE. It's ok to spend time configuring your editor but your linter?? Don't waste time like I did and use sane defaults from the first second. Introducing ALE SENSIBLE:
No more broken colorthemes, no dull grey sign coulmn/gutter anymore, ALE SENSIBLE works with any colortheme (dark and light ones). Subtle, non-obtrusive, well-balanced highlights signal errors exactly where they are keeping the gutter free for git tools and markers.
Experience a butter-smooth intuitive UI out of the box, PlugInstall and code. Set sensible defaults for ALE without reading bulky docs, a 44Kb README 😬 or tons of help files. This README, you're reading now, is just a mere 5Kb and you won't need more. Don't waste time with a linter's setup and docs. It's. just. a. linter. Move on, keep coding, create stuff, play Fortnite but do not fix your linter, it should be the way around.
- No more stuttery, jumpy sign column/gutter shaking up your code, pumping the screen in and out
- Easy quick-switching of buffers without laggy linter engines bumping the gutter in your face two seconds later
- No nervous ALE blinking and sending false warnings for the current line while you type and try to code
- Intuitve highlighting there where you expect, right in the lines where errors are and not somewhere outside
- No obstrusive, plump default highlighting, marked lines are still easy to read and edit
- Kicks in when it's the right: in Normal Mode always and in Insert Mode only after leaving Insert Mode
- No intentionally delayed linting, responsive linting always after 0ms (ALE sets an extra 200ms delay)
- Don't clutter your .vimrc/init.vim with ALE settings you won't understand months later, keep your config clean
- No bloat in your .vimrc/init.vim, no fiddling around, no trial and error, it's just one line
- No mess with other sign-column/gutter tools which are more important (e.g. git tools, markers)
- One-step removal and adding back of ALE SENSIBLE, ALE and their configuration, if
is not enough - Experience Vim/Neovim as what they are, slick, minmalistic editors, not some jarring Frankenstein-IDEs
- The best autocomplete is included since linter and autocomplete use the same sources, so why not offer both?
- Autocomplete turned on by default, why was it ever off ALE?, no need for heavy extra plugins
- Autocomplete mapped to a sane
), gets automatically overridden if<Tab>
is used - Can coexist with other autocompletes, they still work but why install and config the same thing twice?
- Fully documented plugin file, quickly understand what has changed, be able to do custom stuff yourself if required
Linters are overrated: Actually most of us are less productive with linters than without because of 'configuration porn', finding right settings, getting the linter fast, fixing wrong linter warnings or testing different linting engines for days. Only because ALE is asynchronous doesn't make it less distracting.
No more half-baken ALE, no more time-wasting, just put add one line.
Plug 'desmap/ale-sensible' | Plug 'w0rp/ale'
to your .vimrc/init.vim, restart Vim/Neovim and run :PlugInstall`.
Plugin 'desmap/ale-sensible' | Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
to your .vimrc/init.vim, restart Vim/Neovim and run :PlugInstall`.
If you have already a line with 'w0rp/ale'
, remove this line (because we have to make sure that new overriding configs load before ALE loads, some ALE oddity, hence the order in the install lines above). Also remove all your autocomplete plugins, ALE brings a great one along which ALE SENSIBLE finally turns on and maps to <Tab>
in Insert Mode. If you want to use another autocomplete just keep the <Tab>
remapping to that other one in your config, it will overwrite ALE's one. Why it might still make sense to use ALE's autocomplete: It's built in, uses the same core and is well maintained, why install and config something twice? Supertab doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, YouCompleteMe and Deoplete need further dependencies, are much heavier and like also some config work.
Install your desired linter/fixer engines, e.g. for prettified JavaScript linting Prettier and Standard => npm i -D prettier standard
(don't mix local and global installs) and ALE will find them. To set fixers, e.g. first Prettier, second Standard JS, add let g:ale_fixers = ['prettier', 'standard']
to your .vimrc/init.vim. To execute them, run :ALEFix
and if you like it map it to some key. FYI, a linter warns, a fixer fixes. This should be enough for a quick start. Further options/commands => :help ale
but remember, you should rather be coding than reading a linter's help file. Life is too short and coding is more fun. 😉
Still think some sensible defaults are missing? Open a pull request!
ALE SENSIBLE, MIT License, Copyright (c) 2019 desmap