This Laravel template has everything a TALL Typescript project needs. The following versions of each component are installed:
- Tailwind (^3.0)
- Alpine.js (^3.10)
- Laravel (^9.9)
- Livewire (^2.10)
- Typescipt (^4.6)
- Larastan (^2.0)
Using this template requires a few steps for the initial setup.
- Remove the template's Git repository and initialize a new one
rm -rf .git && git init
- Install the project dependencies
composer install && npm ci
- Generate an .env file and the application encryption key
php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');" && php artisan key:generate
After the file has been generated, the environment variables can be set.
- Compile frontend assets
npx mix